Project Management in the e-World Successful project management in today's e-world depends on more than just solid project planning and tracking skills. A thorough understanding of the unique issues and opportunities faced by e-projects, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the scope and integration needs of these complex projects, is essential. This presentation steers participants through the maze of issues that confronts any e-world project, including its business application, infrastructure, portal, customer experience, content management, and communications requirements.
Bonnie Vaughan, LexisNexis
Refocusing Software Development in the New Economy A changing economy and fiercely competitive market have raised the bar on what we expect from software development efficiency. But are we getting the degree of productivity we expect? Quite often these questions are never answered adequately, and we don't have the measurement systems required to gain the needed insight. Ram Chillarege's presentation highlights some key principles and methods to help project teams gain the reporting edge they need. This refocusing of software development can make the difference between failed execution and success.
Ram Chillarege, Chillarege Corp.
Deadlines, Defects and Risk: Managing the Three-Headed Dragon The commercial pressures of the economy and the need for speed often impose unwieldy deadlines for software projects. Yet the nature of software projects demands that teams deal with constant change and scope growth within these fixed deadlines. By understanding software project dynamics, managers empower themselves to make better decisions about promised functionality, thereby controlling the very factors that degrade software quality and reliability. This presentation addresses why software development, an example of "knowledge work," is different from other types of work, and how knowing its behavioral laws can help managers avert disaster.
Michael Mah, QSM Associates, Inc.
Why Are My Pants on Fire? Sometimes it seems we software managers are so busy responding to crises that we don't have time to go back and figure out how we got in the mess to begin with. Using real-world examples, Elisabeth Hendrickson explores some of the most common causes of constant crisis mode, and what you can do to break the pattern. This presentation arms you with fire prevention tools-and fire-resistant pants.
Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
A Reliable Build-and-Deploy Process for Web Applications While the Internet provides an array of powerful tools and utilities for developing Web applications, it also requires adequate usage management of these resources. Failing to manage usage could result in significant project setbacks, including delayed initial deployment and prolonged down time on your Web site. Bhushan Gupta discusses a process that takes build-and-deployment activity from a simple manual ritual to an on-demand, fully automated activity. He even illustrates how failures can occur and offers solutions to avoid them.
Bhushan Gupta, Hewlett-Packard Company
Building a Learning QA Organization As managers, we're stewards of our company's assets. Each team's capacity to learn-and rate of learning-should be treated as something to be developed, just like coding skills and other intangible corporate assets. Like many software teams, the QA team needs to be able to ramp up fast. However, due to the diversity of projects and customers, they need to know and grow even faster than most. Bill Goleman shares tricks of the learning trade and shows managers how to enhance team learning skills at little or no cost to the company.
Bill Goleman, Mangosoft, Inc.
A Rigorous and Highly Effective Approach to Website Load Testing In this presentation, you will learn how to leverage the power of modern load testing tools to avoid misleading conclusions, and obtain accurate and reliable results by
applying a proven, rigorous, and methodical approach to the three phases of website load testing: planning, execution, and analysis.
Alberto Savoia, Keynote Systems
Preparing for Test Automation-Are You Ready? Test automation requires an investment in software testing tools, equipment, personnel, and time. There is also continuous maintenance required in keeping existing test scripts current as well as developing new ones. This presentation reviews some fundamental factors to consider before making these investments. Learn how to answer the question, "Are you ready to begin automating your testing processes?" And, for those of you who answer "yes," learn an approach on implementing automated software testing in your organization based on real-world expectations.
Kerry Zallar, Bank of America
Test Automation Management Automating the execution of tests is becoming more and more popular as the need to improve software quality amidst increasing system complexity becomes ever stronger. The appeal of having the computer run the tests in a fraction of the time it takes to perform them manually has
led many organisations to attempt test automation without a clear understanding of all that is involved. Consequently, many attempts have failed to achieve real or lasting benefits. This paper highlights a few of the more common mistakes that have contributed to these failures and offers
some thoughts on how they may be avoided.
Mark Fewster, Grove Consultants
Test Progress Reporting Using Functional Readiness Are you looking for a way to effectively set the expectations of senior management? The Functional Readiness Matrix (FRM) is a decision-making tool that offers a simple way to represent test progress based on the functional areas or features of an application. By enabling the test team to track actual test progress against the implementation goals established early on, the FRM allows for the presentation of valid test metrics to management in a way they can understand.
Robyn Brilliant, Fannie Mae