Real Time UML
The increasing complexity of embedded and real-time systems requires a more premeditated and sophisticated design approach for successful implementation. The object-based Unified Modeling Language (UML) can describe the structural and behavioral aspects critical to real-time systems and has come to the fore as an outstanding medium for effective design.
Like its best-selling predecessors, Real Time UML, Third Edition, provides an overview of the essentials of real-time systems and an introduction to UML that focuses on the use of the ever-evolving standard in design and development. This accessible book examines requirements analysis, the definition of object structure and behavior, architectural and mechanistic design, and more detailed designs that encompass data structure, operations, and exceptions. Numerous figures help illustrate UML design techniques, and detailed, real-world examples show the application of those techniques to embedded systems.
This significantly revised edition features the new UML 2.0 standard, which dramatically improves the clarity of the UML for capturing architectures and improving its scalability. Real Time UML, Third Edition, also introduces the UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance, and Time (STP Profile). The STP Profile provides a standardized way to capture schedulability and performance constraints of systems. This allows analysis tools to read and analyze UML models.
Key topic coverage includes:
- The Rapid Object-Oriented Process for Embedded Systems (ROPES)
- Concurrency and resource modeling with the Real-Time (SPT) UML Profile
- Tapping action semantics for greater executability
- Scenario modeling with timing diagrams
- Key strategies for object identification
- Defining object state behavior
- Representing and identifying threads
- Mechanistic design patterns
- Representing Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Architectures with the UML

Review By: Dmitri Ilkaev
07/09/2006"Real Time UML: Advances in the UML for Real-Time Systems" features the new UML 2.0 standard that clarifies UML in terms of capturing architectures and improving scalability. This approach to static and dynamic object analysis, including connecting the object model to the use case model, is not limited to
real-time systems and has a much wider applicability. The book also contains a review of design approaches. The description of design patterns in chapter nine may seem incomplete to an experienced UML designer, but it provides good guidance to the real-time systems developer looking for a more structured and organized approach to the design and implementation of such systems.
The first chapter introduces readers to the world of real-time and embedded systems, while the next two chapters explain the structural and dynamic aspects of object orientation of UML 2.0. Chapter four introduces the UML profile for schedulability, performance, and time (the so-called RT UML profile). The schedulability and performance analysis tools can read UML models compliant with this profile and perform mathematical analysis of these models. Chapters five through seven describe analysis processes with relation to requirements, object domain, and object behavior. Chapters eight through ten deal with design at different levels: architectural, mechanistic, and detailed. Chapter eleven
describes the relationship between UML and DOD C4ISR architecture framework as an example of how one of the most complex software system architectures can be analyzed based on the basic principles of real-time system analysis and UML design outlined in this book.
The book is not only helpful to the skilled developers of real-time systems, but well worth the read to systems and software architects and engineers since a lot of examples and approaches go beyond the specifics of real-time systems. Numerous figures used throughout the book illustrate UML design techniques, and detailed, real-world examples show the application of those techniques.
"Real Time UML" provides an overview of the essentials of real-time systems in conjunction with the practical application of UML to the design and development of such systems. The key topics of this book are:
- Specifics of real-time systems
- An introduction to UML 2.0 based OO design
- Description of requirements analysis
- Definition of object structure and behavior
- Review of architectural and mechanistic design
- Review of more detailed designs that encompass data structure, operations,
and exceptions
The book also covers some unique topics like UML profile for schedulability, performance and time, and C4ISR architecture framework.