Software Testing and Continuous Quality Improvement, 2nd Edition
The Second Edition of this volume provides a detailed, step-by-step plan for implementing quality assurance programs that emphasize software testing. This focus on software QA techniques enables organizations to minimize the high cost of IT maintenance. The summary of software testing and maintenance tools has been completely updated. New chapters include discussions of the on-shore/off-shore testing model, continuous quality improvement techniques that are exclusively for software testers, a review of the testing life cycle, and a detailed discussion of methodology used for the evaluation of maintenance tools. The appendices contain new testing checklists and templates, which are invaluable tools for improving quality and performance.

Review By: Gena O'Flaherty
07/08/2010"Software Testing and Continuous Quality Improvement" contains an all-encompassing view of quality improvement. The author weaves his methods for continuous improvement throughout the book. This structure provides the reader with a solid understanding of how to determine the state of test organization, how to identify problem areas, and how to work toward improvement. The book is organized in an excellent, logical fashion, beginning with helping the reader understand definitive quality and its varying measurement methods.
Author William E. Lewis reviews the traditional Waterfall development methodology and provides a "phased" approach. A significant amount of attention is given to all areas of test planning, from test group management to test project management, and to actual test activities. Lewis provides an extensive execution layout using the Plan, Do, Check, and Act (PDCA) approach as adopted from Deming. There are many metric points provided in all phases of test planning, execution, and reporting.
In the second half of the book, Lewis introduces a comprehensive analysis matrix of more than 170 various testing tools, how to evaluate tools for selection, planning purchases (e.g., proposals), and implementing the tools (training plans, use, and follow-up evaluation). Plenty of diagrams, charts, and checklists provide variety to this 500-plus-page volume. The tools used in the PDCA test methodology are also provided as templates on the bonus CD-ROM. Extensive appendices include templates for test activities (e.g., test plans, test cases, and summary reports), checklists for all phases of testing, and thorough explanations of various testing techniques.
Lewis does an excellent job presenting the material in an incremental manner. The content is extremely useful to test managers, testers, and anyone interested in learning more about quality and improving the testing process. The detailed checklists give testers and managers just one more method for improving the test process. I've been an SQA test manager and tester for more than ten years, and some of the checklists gave me an unexpected shot in the arm. This is one book on testing that provides the tools to conduct an in-depth analysis of the testing process.
Lewis hits the nail on the head by providing such a broad spectrum of areas where a quality-driven tester/manager needs to investigate and take action. I believe real-world examples would muddy the book's intent. Instead, the book provides the framework for you to think about what you can do to improve what is happening in your environment. This approach is refreshing and empowering. The style of the book allows the reader to quickly grasp the areas needed, but beware…you might find yourself sidetracked by all of the other useful topics!
I really enjoyed "Software Testing and Continuous Quality Improvement." I liked the fresh content and look forward to applying the PDCA test methodology on my next project to experience it firsthand. You can bet that this book is in my bookcase with my name on it!