Peer-to-peer Discussion: How Do I Make CD Work in My Environment? Building a successful continuous delivery pipeline is very context specific. Large organizations with legacy code, existing physical environments, regulatory constraints, large monolithic applications, or stove piped organizations often struggle to find a continuous delivery approach that will work for them successfully. If this sounds familiar, this session is for you. Join facilitator Lee Eason as conference participant’s work together to identify and solve difficult continuous delivery challenges. Learn how other participants and speakers have dealt with the issues you have within their own companies and how you can apply their lessons learned. Share your successes and help others solve their DevOps problems. Expand upon questions you’ve asked during others sessions so you leave the conference with even more ideas for addressing your CD challenges. As this session is highly collaborative, we encourage all participants to come prepared with specific questions they want to solve so an engaging conversation can begin immediately. Take home the collective CD wisdom from a wide variety of peers.