Curious about DevOps? Start Here!


Seems like everyone is talking about DevOps these days. But what is DevOps, and where can you go to learn more about how it affects you and your organization? Join us at DevOps Conference West to find out how to implement DevOps from some of the industry pros who have been part of the movement from its inception.

We can trace the beginnings of the DevOps movement back to a Belgian named Patrick Dubois. In 2007, Patrick lamented that the two worlds of development and operations seemed miles away from each other and there were conflicts everywhere. He observed that development and operations teams tended to fall into different parts of a company’s organizational structure (usually with different managers and competing corporate politics) and often worked at different geographic locations. Since then the DevOps movement has gained global momentum and has become a lightning rod for people who have something to say about how IT is—or should be—running.

The movement found traction online through social media and discussion boards. DevOps is clearly touching a nerve within the industry, likely because DevOps is from practitioners, by practitioners; it’s not a product, specification, or job title. DevOps is an experience-based movement about cooperation and collaboration.

In response to the call for more information and resources about DevOps, TechWell is introducing the inaugural DevOps Conference West from June 7–12 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. DevOps Conference West will accompany the fifth annual collocated Agile Development & Better Software West conferences, the premier event for software professionals. This year’s program is even more robust, bringing all aspects of the software development lifecycle to the forefront.

DevOps Conference West features industry practitioners passionate about the DevOps movement and focuses on topics like:

Why DevOps Changes Everything—Keynote presenter Jeffrey Payne talks about what steps need to be taken to successfully achieve a DevOps process while avoiding the pitfalls. He’ll also leave the audience with some take-home ideas about how to leverage DevOps to advance their careers.

Continuous Delivery: Rapid and Reliable Releases with DevOps—Bob Aiello explains how to implement DevOps using industry standards and frameworks in both agile and nonagile environments, focusing on automated deployment frameworks that quickly deliver value to the business.

A DevOps Journey: Leading the Transformation at IBM—Debbie Edwards describes the journey she went through leading the DevOps transformation at IBM. She will share her experiences, the best practices she discovered, what techniques she used, and how she recommends a software development team get started on the DevOps journey.

We hope your DevOps journey brings you straight to DevOps Conference West. See you in June!

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