Agile Isn't for Everyone—and That's OK! Tuesday, July 23 at 1:00 PM Eastern

Join us for the next Agile MeetUp—our new series of informal, interactive discussions with AgileConnection industry experts. Limited to a small audience, these MeetUps are designed to give you direct access to subject matter experts and your peers.

Discussion Topic: Agile isn't for everyone—and that's OK!  

Moderator: Johanna Rothman, consultant and technical editor for

Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 1:00 - 1:30 pm

Everyone's transitioning to agile—or so it seems. But is agile for everyone? Can you benefit from agile even if you're not ready or able to jump in with both feet?

Agile is a big cultural shift that touches almost everything: how you manage the project portfolio, how you compensate people and teams, and how you look at funding projects and programs. And, that just scratches the surface! 

But, it isn't an all-or-none deal. You can implement agile approaches today, even without "going agile." Many of the so-called "agile" approaches have been around forever, such as continuous integration, rolling wave planning, short timeboxes, implementation by feature, and cross-functional teams who control their own destiny. The truth is, you don't need agile to use these approaches. You can use staged delivery, design-to-schedule, RUP, release trains, or other lifecycles or combinations of lifecycles to be more effective. 

What's really more important to you: being agile or being effective? 

The MeetUp is limited to the first 25 people on a first-come, first-served basis, so bookmark your calendar for 1:00 - 1:30 pm EST on Tuesday, July 23!