Agile Dev, Better Software & DevOps Conference West 2016


Continuous Integration as a Development Team’s Way of Life

Continuous integration (CI) is a buzzword in software development today. We know it means “run lots of builds,” but having a continuous integration pipeline opens up opportunities well beyond making sure your team's code compiles. What if this pipeline could improve everything from the...

Melissa Benua

Create Brainstorming Commandos for Creative Problem Solving

Agile teams are solving real-world complex problems every day. These problems require creative problem solving by team members. In its truest sense, brainstorming is intended to be a practical approach to this task. Brainstorming entails “using the brain to storm a creative problem and...

Pradeepa Narayanaswamy

Determining Business Value in Agile Development

Both agile and lean focus on delivering business value to the customers as rapidly as possible. On agile projects, story points are often used to estimate and track development effort for user stories. However, to concentrate on delivering value, we must be able to place a business value...

Ken Pugh

Developing a Rugged DevOps Approach to Cloud Security

Your operational tools deliver continuous monitoring and alerting for applications deployed in the cloud. So why doesn’t your security suite do the same? Although no single path to a secure DevOps approach works for every organization, Tim Prendergast offers a set of key principles and...

John Martinez

DevOps and the Culture of High-Performing Software Organizations

The DevOps movement emphasizes the importance of culture in creating high-performing teams. However, often perceived to be subjective and intractable, culture is often neglected in favor of more concrete drivers such as tools and processes. And this is a major failure mode in organizations...

Jez Humble

DevOps Is More than Just Dev and Ops: Don’t Forget Testing

What exactly is DevOps? It’s not just Dev, and it’s not just Ops. In fact, successful DevOps implementations meld development and operations activities with agile practices and a strong dose of automated testing. Organizations cannot afford to wait for a manual testing process to do the job.

Jonah Stiennon

DevOps Is Only Half the Story to Delivering Winning Products

Before the DevOps approach gained serious traction, development and operations largely worked in isolation and sometimes in opposition. As a community, we are starting to make strides in integrating these two practices to deliver products with more efficient systems and processes. However...

Jody Bailey

Disrupting Ourselves: Moving to a “Teal Organization” Model

In his book Reinventing Organizations, Frederic Laloux describes the “Teal Organization” model. Teal organizations have an evolutionary purpose, self-managing teams with little or no organizational hierarchy, and individuals who bring their whole person to work rather than putting on a...

Bob Payne

Docker Containers in the Enterprise DevOps Journey

As technology moves from being a cost-center to a revenue generator in nearly every business, technologists are expected to deliver more with fewer resources. DevOps enables this efficiency through improved collaboration between product management, development, release management, quality...

Aater Suleman

Don’t Make These Scrum Mistakes

Scrum is a project management framework and does not specify a set of how-tos or checklists that some other development processes define. Since Scrum can be implemented in various ways, it is easy—and often common—to misinterpret Scrum’s guidelines and make mistakes while implementing it.

Sumedha Ganjoo


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