Agile Dev, Better Software & DevOps Conference West 2017


Storytelling Techniques for Better Requirements

Do you struggle with making your ideas clear and understandable to others? Does it annoy you to sit in requirements sessions for hours only to leave with more questions than answers? As human beings, we’re made for storytelling. It is a natural form of communication. So, Jeff Howey...

Jeff Howey

The Agile Dojo: Shiny Toy or Best Idea Ever?

Remember your first two weeks on a scrum team? It was fantastic and miserable all at the same time. And when things got difficult, your team teetered on the edge of the waterfall. What if there were a way to help teams gel more quickly and accelerate their agile learning by immersing them...

Francie Van Wirkus

The Future of Scrum

In the past two decades, Scrum has become the standard for agile development, with more than 90 percent of teams today using Scrum to deliver working software. But, as Scrum starts into its third decade, it’s not the fresh-faced process framework that came into the world in the summer...

Dave West

The T-Shaped Scrum Team: Get in Shape for Your Future

Today, agile teams are being asked to do more than ever before. The notion of a T-shaped person, created by Tim Brown (CEO of IDEO) in the 1990s, describes a new breed of worker—one who goes beyond the standard, assigned role. Mary Thorn believes that the roles of team members can stretch...

Mary Thorn

Transitioning to Agile Leadership

The key to helping your teams transform and be successful in an agile world is to know what skills you need to be effective—and in turn, help your team navigate change. Jennifer Bonine focuses on providing a toolkit for agile leadership. Explore your level of acceptance of change, how...

Jennifer Bonine

Visual Management Gone Wild

A visual management system is a low-tech tool with a simple mission—to visually represent the work that the team is doing. When used regularly and correctly, it can be a project acceleration tool. However, teams often go wild with visuals, decorating every inch of free wall space with...

Nichole Vanderlaan

Why Agile Works—and How (Not) to Screw It Up!

Agile practices can be the easy part of agile. Getting people into the agile mindset is often a greater challenge. Do you have a team member who doesn’t quite support agile or someone who’s playing along but not really committed? One step toward obtaining real commitment is a better...

Perry Reinert

Why You Shouldn’t Automate – And Why You Will Anyway

Automation has been touted as a way to speed up release delivery, improve quality, and reduce testing costs. However, what if there is a different side to this story? Come hear an opposing view to automation—and why it may actually cost your organization time, resources, and even quality.

Kevin Pyles


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