STARWEST 2013 - Software Testing Conference


It’s All Fun and Games: Using Play to Improve Tester Creativity

The number of software test tools keeps expanding, and individual tools are continuously becoming more advanced. However, there is no doubt that a tester’s most important—yet often neglected and underused—tool is the mind. As testers, we need to employ our intelligence, imagination, and...

Christin Wiedemann, Professional Quality Assurance Ltd.

Key Strategies to Survive the Mega Test Program

Sometime in your career as a test manager, you’ll be assigned to lead the effort for a program so large that the CEO and board of directors monitor it. These are programs that bet the organization’s future and come with a high degree of risk, visibility, pressure, and fixed deadlines. 

Robert Goetz, Kaiser Permanente

Keynote: Selling (and Buying) “Live Site Quality” at eBay

In the February Fortune magazine, eBay made the cover with the title “eBay is Back!” The article cited improvements in the look and feel of the site, strategic investments in fulfillment, and technology partnerships with retailers to establish it as more than just an online...

Jon Bach, eBay, Inc.

Keynote: Testing the Xbox: Lessons for All

Testing a game console isn’t all fun and games. However, with more than 50 million Xbox 360 consoles sold, and the amazing success of the Kinect sensor, it’s certainly a hotbed of excitement for software developers and testers alike. Veteran tester Alan Page is having a blast on the Xbox...

Alan Page, Microsoft

Mobile Testing Success: Real World Strategies and Techniques

Today, consumers spend more time on mobile apps than on the web. With this increased demand and paradigm shift toward mobile devices, the role of the software tester is evolving and becoming more complex. Since mobile testing is a relatively new domain, software testers face the challenge...

Clint Sprauve, Hewlett-Packard

Model-Based Testing with Keywords

Model-based testing can be a powerful alternative to just writing test cases. However, modeling tools are specialized and not suitable for everyone. On the other hand, keyword-driven test automation has gained wide acceptance as a powerful way to create maintainable automated tests, and...

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear

Model-Based Testing: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques

For decades, software development tools and methods have evolved with an emphasis on modeling. Standards like UML and SysML are now used to develop some of the most complex systems in the world. However, test design remains a largely manual, intuitive process.

Adam Richards, Critical Logic

Rapid Performance Testing: No Load Generation Required

Load testing is just one—but the most frequently discussed—aspect of performance testing. Luckily, much of performance testing does not demand the same expensive tools, special skills, environments, or time as load testing does. Scott Barber developed the...

Scott Barber, PerfTestPlus Inc.

Reducing the Cost of Software Testing

The demand to deliver more software in less time is increasing. Give in to the pressure without thinking, and you end up facing burnout, stress, business risk, and, most likely, even more demands. Refuse, fight the good fight, and it is likely the business will replace you with someone else.

Matthew Heusser, Excelon Development

Refactoring Automated Functional Tests

Regarded as one of the most important advances in software development, code refactoring is a disciplined technique to improve the design, readability, and maintainability of source code. You can learn to apply the same refactoring concepts to automated functional test scripts.

Zhimin Zhan, AgileWay Pty Ltd


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