development Questions

By richard semock - October 18, 20154 Answers

Previous conferences of Star West and the agile methodology in general have accepted the concept that testers and programmers are both subsets of the developer category. Is this still the accepted definition or are programmers the only team members that are considered developers.

By Derrick Bell - October 1, 20151 Answer

We are migrating a slew of reports. I'd like to apply agile methodology for this process. I would you recommend I proceed?

Can we really get good insight,  while  asking certain questions on agility, how it is practiced etc from agile team menmbers.

By Paul VII - September 17, 20149 Answers

There are many paid resources out there but I do not feel it is always necessary to pay.  The scrum guide is good but short.  This one I can recommend:


What are your thoughts?

Unless I've misunderstood the principle, agile sprints are about layering on features until you arrive at some final release.  

But software can become unwieldy complex and choosing the right data structures and class patterns, for the application, is crucial - isn't it?  

So, how can you decide on the right data structures and classes and patterns, at the very beginning of the process, if in the first sprint, you are only dealing with a few of the overall application features?

Do you continually refactor and re-write as new feature-information is presented? Or is there some overall application design architecture happening up-front?

BTW, I'm not a formally-trained computer scientist, or software developer.

In my research study, I need to identify the list of key features of user story management tools that can be used to support agile development. So far, I identified the following general groups of features: User role modeling and personas support, User stories and epics management, Acceptance testing support, High-level release planning, Low-level iteration planning, and Progress tracking. Each group contains some specific features, e.g., support for story points, writing of acceptance tests, etc.

Please help me elaborate the list by posting your list of such features, such as those that you've already used as part of a user story management tool, or those that you'd like to see in the software tool you use. Do you find some features more important than the others? Many thanks in advance! 

Ususally agile development is used for new or geenfield projects but what if this development is used for existing or brownfield projects. What issues could agile development team face while working with exisiting project?

Now a day lots of Open Source Agile tool available in the market but i am confuse which Scrum Web Tool i use? i suggest some tool



2.Scrum Backlog Tool



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