When the System Creaks: Lessons Learned in Agile Maintenance
We often talk about agile in terms of development of new systems, sometimes called greenfield projects. These scenarios present us with a “cleaner” version of agile. But Jim Peers is asking the question: What about agile methodologies when applied to the maintenance of a mature product?
Jim Peers
The DevOps Challenge: Now Is the Time to Be a Champion of Quality
Software failures continue to make news headlines daily. Yet all the industry hype we hear is about DevOps, a set of practices that seems to exclude quality and testers. Does quality matter? Will it become part of the equation? We must take notice of exclusionary movements and become...
Lisa Dronzek
Test Automation at the Speed of Agile: Making It Work Every Build
Join Danny McKeown, Paychex’s lead test enterprise automation architect, to see how a small tools group supports nearly one-hundred agile teams as they move toward achieving continuous delivery. Take part in the conversation to understand how Paychex is progressing in the third year of its...
Danny McKeown
Infrastructure Testing: The Ultimate “Shift Left”
Organizations worldwide are continually required to make significant investments in upgrading, re-engineering, and protecting their IT infrastructure. However, unlike application software development, many companies lack a structured quality assurance approach for infrastructure testing.
Carl Delmolino and Hitesh Patel
Make Your Continuous Deployment Pipeline as Fast as Possible
Continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) have been key to increasing the pace at which development teams can deliver value to the business while keeping quality high. However, many teams are finding that their build pipelines are hard to manage, with builds taking so long...
Abraham Marin-Perez
Demystifying DevOps: Capital One’s Journey toward Continuous Delivery
Many companies are either talking about DevOps or already working toward adoption. Books and conferences around DevOps abound, and it seems that everyone is hiring DevOps engineers. What impact does adopting DevOps have on a company and its people? What does DevOps look like from the...
Adam Auerbach
Agile Snafus: When Good Teams Go Bad
Agile done well can lead to great successes—rapid delivery of business and user value, high product quality, fast time to market, and engineering productivity. Agile done poorly leads to skepticism of the methodologies, distrust of the principles, and failure to deliver—in essence, a snafu...
James Waletzky
Scaling Agile: Remembering Tolstoy’s Unhappy Family Analogy
While Agile has become mainstream at the team level with much research and practical experience, scaling agile to the enterprise is a topic of increasing interest and practice—with some successes and some spectacular failures. As Tolstoy wrote, “Happy families are all alike; each unhappy...
Mariya Breyter
Transform Organizational Culture for DevOps Success
An organization’s ability to adopt a DevOps approach for software delivery often hinges on a cultural transformation that may be more difficult than technology issues. The keys to success are change supported from the top down, combined with people on the front line who are willing to...
Al Wagner
Agile Metrics: Make Better Decisions with Data
Some consider measurement in agile development destructive—or at the very least useless. Larry Maccherone disagrees and offers insight into how you can use metrics in an agile environment to make life better. How do you know when you are ready to introduce metrics into the environment?
Larry Maccherone