

 Myth 28: I Can Standardize How Other People Work Management Myth 28: I Can Standardize How Other People Work

Johanna Rothman writes that organization-wide standards don’t help if management imposes them. If people ask for help with standards, then you can provide local help to each team. And if the teams are part of a program where you have one business objective common to multiple projects, make sure the program understands the problem.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
QA Management: All Bark and No Bite? QA Management: All Bark and No Bite?

Mike Talks shares with us the unlikely story of how his pet German Shepherd inadvertently became his team's QA manager. Talks explains how his German Shepherd was able to gather people together and have them talk to each other, similiar to what a QA manager does—keeping people on task, handing out assignments, and following up with team members.

Mike Talks's picture Mike Talks
Big Agile: Enterprise Savior or Oxymoron? Big Agile: Enterprise Savior or Oxymoron?

Lawrence Putnam explains whether or not big agile is an enterprise savior or an oxymoron. What if agile only works when teams and projects stay relatively small? That’s the question most CIOs want answered before investing scarce time, energy, or resources chasing the big agile paradigm.

Larry Putnam, Jr's picture Larry Putnam, Jr
Agile Development for Enterprise Software Scaling Agile Development for Enterprise Software

Enterprise development organizations are increasingly embracing agile as a concept, if not entirely in practice. That’s because adopting and scaling agile methodologies for large, complex enterprise software projects can seem daunting. Larry Ayres shares some tips for scaling agile development for enterprise software.

Larry Ayres's picture Larry Ayres
Communicating Effectively in Agile Development Projects Communicating Effectively in Agile Development Projects

In today’s fast-paced workplace, software developers and project managers are confronted with a painful paradox. They are faced with continual pressure to accelerate the development process, but this “need for speed” can result in communication failures—and the accompanying project and quality problems.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
The Self-Abuse of Sprint Commitment The Self-Abuse of Sprint Commitment

Adam Yuret explains what can go wrong when teams blindly commit themselves to sprints; collaboration and quality suffer when we pressure people to work themselves to death by forcing them to promise things they cannot yet understand. Investing in systems-thinking approaches to improve the lives of our workers will pay dividends in improved quality, engagement, and creativity.

Adam Yuret's picture Adam Yuret
Speaking to Your Business Using Measurements Speaking to Your Business Using Measurements

Justin Rohrman writes that measurement is one of the biggest problems he's experienced in test management. How do we measure quality, how do we know those measurements are good, and how do we use them to tell a story to executives? In this article, Justin explains how to speak to your business using measurements.

Justin Rohrman's picture Justin Rohrman
Planning During a Health Care Crisis Save Your Sanity: Planning During a Health Care Crisis

A health care crisis can hit without warning, leaving you both nursing the patient and mired in seemingly endless bureaucracy. In this article, Kathy Iberle shares with us her experience dealing with an elderly uncle who suffered a stroke and how agile methods, like using a visual planning board, can help one prepare and be ready when disaster strikes.

Kathy Iberle's picture Kathy Iberle
Using Containers for Continuous Deployment Using Containers for Continuous Deployment

Pini Reznik explains how containers can help shorten the software development feedback loop by drastically reducing the overhead involved in deploying new software environments. This leads to faster build and test executions and simplifies the standardization of the development and production environments, allowing for an easier transition to continuous deployment.

Pini Reznik's picture Pini Reznik
Myth 27: We Can Take Hiring Shortcuts Management Myth 27: We Can Take Hiring Shortcuts

Hiring is difficult to do well, Johanna Rothman writes in her latest management myth piece. Because everyone who is looking to hire has a job, they think they know how to hire. But it’s not easy. You want to hire the best people you can who fit the team and the organization.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman


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