continuous integration

Better Software Magazine Articles

The Impact of Quality Intelligence on DevOps and the IoT The Impact of Quality Intelligence on DevOps and the IoT

QI is gaining momentum for providing fast and accurate test data to make better decisions. Just running your app through test suites isn’t enough for DevOps and the IoT.

Steven Winter's picture Steven Winter
Achieving Continuous Improvement and Innovation in Software

There is tremendous pressure on software development teams to deliver software faster, better, and cheaper. Quality engineering with a focus on innovation is the answer

Michael Sowers's picture Michael Sowers
Road to success Use DevOps to Drive Your Agile ALM

Successful DevOps operations assume that your team has the ability to adjust with constant change. To succeed at continuous integration and deployment, a comprehensive agile plan is needed. Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs identify four critical success factors that you should employ.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
Balance and Flow Continuous Process Improvement Using Balance and Flow

Finding a balance between too much and too little process can be quite a challenge. Tom Wessel shows how to apply lean change management and kaizen principles to achieve continuous process  improvement. Also, Tom suggests the use of simple metrics to verify that improvements are actually taking place.

Thomas Wessel's picture Thomas Wessel
How to Assess and Improve DevOps

DevOps can take substantial effort to successfully implement, according to Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs. By understanding existing development and deployment practices, you'll be able to properly assess the best steps to transition to an outstanding DevOps environment.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
Improve Agile Quality—Three Pillars at a Time

A key component to being agile is the adoption of testing from the very inception of the project. According to Bob Galen, to achieve a high degree of quality assurance, there needs to be a careful balance among development and test automation, software testing, and cross-functional team practices.

Bob Galen's picture Bob Galen
Moving Beyond DevOps Hype

DevOps can be characterized as the assembly line of building, testing, deploying, and updating enterprise applications. Many software development organizations may claim a comprehensive DevOps strategy, but Chris Riley believes that the only way to be successful is to use a DevOps framework.

Chris Riley's picture Chris Riley
The State of DevOps Adoption

The current trend of using DevOps to describe every effective automated procedure is creating more confusion and even some dysfunctional behavior as software organizations continue to adopt this build-test-deploy approach. Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs describe the DevOps approach you should use.

Stop Making Lists, Start Making Products

Like any great process methodology, agile (and Scrum specifically) can lose sight of the best way to facilitate a development lifecycle from concept to delivery. David Hussman frequently encounters teams that are going through the motions. If your sprint planning meetings have disintegrated into quick listmaking exercises, David will show you how to reinvigorate your team.

David Hussman's picture David Hussman
Continuous Integration—Your Project's Unlikely Hero

Code sandboxes of the world, unite behind a new leader: Continuous Integration (CI). Automated and customizable, CI gives you the ability to know at the push of a button whether your application is working or whether it needs a tweak. It brings together the disparate code of countless developers and provides a real-time gauge of your application's health. Never fear nightly (or, egads! weekly) builds again. Rely on the strength of CI.

Jeffrey Frederick

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