Conference Presentations

A Quick Lesson in Test Estimation

You're a software tester who's just been given a new project. You understand what's important to the customers, users, and other stakeholders in the new application, so designing and implementing your tests are no problem. The difficulty arises when your boss asks when testing will be completed. Just how do you develop realistic and practical estimates of test completion? More importantly, how can you intelligently respond when someone suggests cutting the test schedule? Rex Black offers insights and answers to these essential questions.

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting Services, Inc.
Improve Your Estimating Process--Beginning with a Proof of Concept

Estimating is like the weather; everyone talks about it, but no one does anything about it. This presentation provides the techniques required to execute a Proof of Concept estimating model, allowing an organization to trial run the tools, techniques, and methods required to estimate projects more accurately and earlier in the lifecycle. Learn the key elements of this approach, and obtain templates to employ in your organization.

David Herron, The David Consulting Group, Inc.
Software Estimating with Functional Metrics

One of the greatest challenges faced by software professionals is the accurate estimation of effort, schedule, and cost for software projects. Learn the technique that has proven to be the most successful in establishing accurate estimates based on quantifying customer requirements and evaluating the development environment using software measurement techniques. Discover ways to use this process to improve estimating accuracy in your software projects.

Scott Goldfarb, Q/P Management Group, Inc.
Software Cost Management with COCOMO II

COCOMO II updates the 1981 Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) to address the new ways that software is being developed and managed, including non-sequential process models, applications composition, product line management, distributed development and applications, and rapid application development. Barry Boehm summarizes these trends and shows how COCOMO II and its emerging extensions are addressing them. Learn how COCOMO II can be used for a variety of management decision situations, such as linking tactical project management to strategic productivity and cycle time improvement management via a quantitative metrics-based approach.

Barry Boehm, University of Southern California
Estimation for the Savvy Project Manager

The most critical estimate in the life of a project is the first estimate at project planning or initiation. This presentation explores the significance of the initial project estimate and suggests ways to approach developing this critical estimate. Learn how a savvy project manager can use this estimate to encourage creative collaboration rather than strife among project stakeholders.

Douglas Muir, Software Productivity Centre Inc.
Estimating and Tracking Software Size without Lines of Code or Function Points

Sandee Guidry explains the processes that were used to effectively manage projects at Defense Financial Accounting System (DFAS). This presentation walks you through the process from when project requests are originated, through the analysis of requirements, the development of estimates, etc., to the delivery of the final project. Learn estimation methods and tools that were seamlessly integrated to deliver each project's committed functionality -- on time and on budget.

Sandee Guidry, DOD/DFAS/SEOPE
Why Nobody in Our Business Can Estimate

To put it politely, software estimation has proven to be challenging. But to be frank, software estimation has proven to be a nightmare. Most organizations that develop software have lost all credibility with their clients when it comes to simple questions like "When will you be done?" and "How much is it going to cost?" In this fast-evolving industry, one thing is clear: Time hasn't given us a chance to improve our estimating skills. In this presentation, Tim Lister investigates the estimation issue, offers some suggestions, and promises to come up with some surprising answers to the question of whether anyone in our business can estimate.

Tim Lister, Atlantic Systems Guild, Inc.
Software Sizing: There is an Easier Way

Project managers and software engineers need to accurately calculate delivery dates and resource needs for their software. This means they have to measure the size of the requirement, and estimate how much it will require in time and expense. But is there a sizing technique that's both effective and efficient? Popular sizing techniques such as the function point method can be difficult and labor intensive. However, there are alternative methods that produce quicker results, often without compromising accuracy. This presentation shares new ways to determine the size of your software deliverable while maintaining accuracy.

David Herron, The David Consulting Group
Activity-Based Cost Estimating for Web-Based Software

What does it cost to provide a feature or complete a transaction for Web-based software? In traditional activity-based cost estimating, a company looks at a product's sales activity and resources used in order to determine its cost. But how do we measure the resources used by one product, when all of the company's products share a common Web site or server? Avon Leong explores the matters involved in calculating the ongoing cost of providing online functions, and why it's important. He offers participants strategies to tackle these modern-day eCommerce issues.

Avon Leong, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc
Testing an eCommerce Shopping Cart Site

Karen Johnson takes attendees through a shopping session that recreates a number of possible scenarios-and highlights what can go wrong. She'll also explain how to prevent defects from going live on your production Web site. From securing transactions to managing cart contents, this talk is a must for anyone involved in the eCommerce arena.

Karen N. Johnson, Peapod, Inc.


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