Quality Cycles for Rapid Development Organizations are attempting to develop new applications at "Internet speed" which can often result in major business and capitalization losses. This presentation describes a technique being used for incorporating structured and exploratory testing approaches into a software development process that can be effectively used for rapid software development. The technique is then described as a general methodology called Quality Cycles. Learn how to integrate this methodology with a systematic testing methodology to improve your testing effectiveness while operating at "Internet speed."
John Lisle, VenturCom, Inc.
Function Point Counting for Mere Mortals Function points have occupied a difficult place in software metrics. They correlate well with development effort, but their use has been hindered in part by the difficulty of learning them. Lee Fischman discusses Galorath's efforts to achieve a revolutionary reduction in time-to-learn by lessening unfamiliar nomenclature and methodological excess. Learn how function points can be simplified for use by everyone within your organization.
Lee Fischman, Galorath, Inc.
Function Points! It's Our Middle Name Function points are measures of software size that are critical to any successful measurement program. The International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG) is the non-profit organization responsible for defining the standard, documenting the rules, and promoting function point usage. This session offers an introduction to function points, including their components, usage, and counting process.
Scott Goldfarb, International Function Point Users Group
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