
Better Software Magazine Articles

Building Mobile Apps the User Can Trust

It seems like every week there's a new security disaster impacting millions of users worldwide. With the acceptance of mobile apps providing timely data at your fingertips, users are becoming very concerned about security. Philip gives you some impactful tips for developing apps that create trust with end-users.

Philip Lew's picture Philip Lew
Wearable Computing Reaches New Heights

With mobile and small embedded devices extending the reach of modern computing, the predictions are that wearable computing is definitely the next biggest thing. If you want to know more about the wearable device  revolution, Mukesh presents facts that will convince you this is the next hottest trend.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma
Developing Custom Apps for the Cloud

With the cloud providing tremendous freedom like instant deployment of updates, you're definitely going to have to adjust how you develop and deploy apps. Pete and Matt have created a list of things you need to consider when developing apps for the cloud.

Attacking Quality Issues in Data Warehousing

To fully detect, isolate, and resolve quality issues in a traditional, large-scale data warehouse requires that several approaches be used together. Wayne identifies types of data quality issues and then illustrates how to best attack and resolve those pesky issues.

Wayne Yaddow's picture Wayne Yaddow
Do Mobile and Embedded Software Really Need Comprehensive Testing?

The smaller the device, the less testing is needed. Right? Jon's insightful article dispels the notion that traditional software testing approaches work for mobile and embedded software.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
The Increasing Importance of E-Commerce in a Tester’s World

E-commerce and m-commerce industries continue to grow internationally, both in business opportunity and quality assurance requirements. Mukesh Sharma breaks down the core pieces of this technology you need to know in order to properly select the best tools and test approaches.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma
Things Change (and So Should Processes)

Much like the VCRs of yesteryear, our software development processes are not going to last forever. They’ll fall out of favor, while new and stronger concepts replace them. Jonathan Kohl writes about coping with process evolution in the quest to improve software.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
Reports of the Death of Testing Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Some say testing is dead. Others argue that it's indispensable. Lee Copeland says that both sides are valid—if you keep their contexts in mind.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Mobile Challenges for Project Management: The Project Factors

Developing software for mobile apps requires a different mindset from developing for computers. Some concepts transfer directly, but there are many device-related challenges managers must overcome. In part one of this two-part series on mobile challenges, Jonathan Kohl addresses some of the project factors managers should take into account during mobile application development.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl

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