The ROI of Learning for Software Testers Lisa Crispin shares some helpful tools she has come across in her software career. Although Lisa has written automated test code since the early '90s, in the past year she's collaborated more with coder and tester teammates to write maintainable, DRY, automated test code.
Considering the Modern Technology Career The technical career ladder may be a quick climb, but what will you find at the top? Matthew Heusser looks at the lifespan, challenges, and opportunities of the modern tech career.
Management Myth #8: I Can Still Do Significant Technical Work The temptation can be incredibly strong for managers—especially new ones—to step in when a technical problem arises. But, that isn’t a very good show of faith in one’s team members. Johanna Rothman writes that as a manager, you have to delegate a problem and leave it delegated.
The Independent Tester Has the agile world’s insistence on collaboration blown away the need for testers to be independent? What do we mean by “independence,” anyway? Consultant Fiona Charles argues that tester independence is essential, but that it is a state of mind that can thrive only when the whole organizational culture supports it.
Management Myth #7: I Am too Valuable to Take a Vacation There's a common myth among managers—that they are the only drivers and decision makers for their teams and, therefore, can't take time off. In reality, regardless of the team or workgroup you manage, your team makes decisions without you all the time.
Anger Management Have you ever felt like screaming at a customer, clobbering your manager, or trashing a teammate’s favorite digital device? Occasional anger is normal, but frequent anger can be harmful.
Think of the People First Johanna Rothman tackles the Paterno/Sandusky scandal and notes that the truth has a way of always coming out. Will you still have your integrity when the truth emerges?
Leading Your Team Through Difficult Times When a project isn't going well, it's important to stay on track and keep the current and future project tasks in perspective. How do you keep your team focused on the project at hand and your client confident and calm?
Management Myth #6: I Can Save Everyone Not every employee is salvageable, and it’s almost always a case of cultural fit. If you’ve provided honest and open feedback and the employee can’t or won’t change, it’s up to the manager, or the self-managing team, to help the employee move on.
Reaching a Shared Understanding Great things can come from teams that collaborate on projects, but reaching a shared understanding isn't always an easy task. With a variety of backgrounds and opinions, team members often face difficulty in coming to agreement. We looked into the causes for these roadblocks, and how to avoid them.