When an Emergency Takes Center Stage The middle of an emergency is no time to make a plan. Take a look at this installment of "Management Chronicles" to learn how not to be prepared for an emergency situation, and then read the Story Lines for some helpful, preparatory advice.
Feedback Before Firing If someone on your project team isn't working up to par, it might take more than a simple showing of your disapproval to put him on the right track. Johanna Rothman suggests trying specific and useful feedback--show your employees the light before you show them the door.
Held Hostage by a Prima Donna This installment of Management Chronicles relates the story of an office that has been overtaken by the whims of a real prima donna. Is the value of one indispensable person worth risking the productivity of the entire team? Author Esther Derby offers her insights.
Living by Principles, Not by Plans Reality is not a static thing, and when the reality of a situation changes, so too must our plans. In his article, Lee Copeland explains why "planning" does not equal "controlling" and suggests that we should look to our principles for guidance.
A Look at Employment Trends in 2005 Better Software magazine and StickyMinds.com offer up readers' responses to our annual salary survey.
Say It . . . Don't Stew In It Managers aren't mind readers. Translate vague grievances into concrete recommendations for generating change in your workplace.
Put a Tough Decision in Its Place Tell your manager where to go--for a decision, of course.
Are We There Yet? Create project dashboards to display project progress and drive your team to success.
Bulking Up How can strengthening people skills, such as teamwork and communication, help shape you into a top-form tester?
Changing Minds About Context Switching Turn to The Last Word, where software professionals who care about quality give you their opinions on hot topics. This month, Johanna Rothman explains what technicians can do to convince management that context switching in the technical world is a sure-fire means to a late project.