Conference Presentations

Attacking Waste in Software: Three Practices We Must Embrace Now

One of the seven principles of Lean Thinking is "eliminate waste." Eliminating waste means minimizing the cost of the resources we use to deliver software to our stakeholders. Jean Tabaka proposes three pivotal practices that we must embrace to aggressively attack waste in software delivery—Software as a Service (SaaS), Community, and Fast Feature Throughput. SaaS eliminates waste by deploying software-based services without the cost inherent in traditional software delivery—materials, shipping, time delay, and more. Community involves stakeholders working together to create products rather than competing among themselves for limited resources. Community eliminates waste by democratizing software development to obviate the need for multiple systems with the same functionality. Fast Feature Throughput refers to development methods that embrace change and quickly deliver value to customers.

Jean Tabaka, Rally Software Development
Agile and the Seven Deadly Sins of Project Management

Agile approaches to software development promise many advantages: shorter schedules, more productive teams, products that better meet customer expectations, higher quality, and more. In this talk, Mike will explain how agile teams achieve these goals by avoiding the seven deadly sins of project management. Covered will be sins such as gluttony, sloth, lust, opaqueness, and more. Giving in to one of these temptations can result in a failed or cancelled project. Along the way you'll be introduced to key aspects of agile development and hear stories of agile success and failure.

Mike Cohn, Mountain Goat Software
Managing Contracts for Outsourced Testing

In large outsourced projects, the contractual aspects of testing are often poorly defined even though testing may be half the overall project cost. Why is this? Test activities may be split between the development organization, customer, and test outsourcing partners. When things go wrong, the test process and the contractual obligations relating to testing will come under close scrutiny. Unfortunately, many projects get their contracts wrong with regard to testing. In Paul Gerrard's experience, few organizations’ contract and legal experts know how to structure a contractual testing schedule that is fair, unambiguous, explicit, and comprehensive. As testers, we may need to help our own “experts.” Paul describes the critical aspects of a contract that must be included to ensure supplier obligations for testing are documented and will be met.

Paul Gerrard, Gerrard Consulting
STAREAST 2008: The Hard Truth about Offshore Testing

Test managers often choose solutions to problems without sufficient analysis, resulting in a cover-up of the symptom rather than a solution to the underlying problem. Later, the problem may surface again in a different disguise, and we may mishandle it again, just as we did initially. Alon Linetzki describes a simple process you can use to identify the root causes of problems and create an appropriate solution to eliminate them. Alon shows how he enhanced the classic root cause analysis method to create an approach to finding insidious problems in software and processes. His method includes ways to differentiate symptoms from problems, understand the connection between them, and determine the strength and direction of that connection. Alon illustrates this method with data from two testing projects and shares the lessons learned along the way.

  • Simple, robust method for determining underlying problems
Jim Olsen, Dell Inc
Scrum: Roadmap for Implementation (Part 2)

With quite a few successful agile implementations under his belt, Hubert Smits guides you through the steps for implementing Scrum in an organization. Scrum implementation grows from a single team working on a pilot project, to multiple development programs running in parallel-all with Scrum as the underlying methodology. Hubert explains how to train and motivate your pilot teams and replace your project requirements documents with a backlog. He outlines the roles of architect, business analyst, and tester in a Scrum-led project. Learn what happens when multiple teams have to work together and how dependencies between teams are discovered and managed. Find out how change management becomes an integral part of the project and discover new management tools that you can use in an agile project.

Hubert Smits, Rally Software Development
Climbing the Decision Tree: Reaching High Quality Team Decisions

When teams "go agile," members of the whole team take on greater responsibility for thinking and deciding as a unit. Though individual team members may know how to make great individual decisions, few people bring the skills or perspective needed to make high quality decisions as a group. Teams need to plan for all elements of high quality team decisions, balancing technical quality, commitment to implementation, efficiency, and opportunities for team development. Rather than relying solely on a consensus model, an effective team will have a repertoire of decision-making methods and select the best approach for their decisions before they face each choice point. Diana Larsen introduces a decision tree model for teams and covers the what, who, when, where, why, and how of team decision-making.

Diana Larsen, FutureWorks Consulting
Scrum: An Introduction (Part 1)

Scrum is the most popular agile project management method today. Hubert Smits illustrates the basics of this method based on his experiences in implementing Scrum in many organizations. He explains the concepts of Scrum to software developers, development managers, and CIOs who are adopting-or thinking about adopting-Scrum in their organizations. After discussing the position of Scrum within the agile world and comparing it to methods like Extreme Programming and Lean Software Development, Hubert takes you through the full Scrum methodology and explains the meanings and practical implementations of Product Backlog, Sprint Planning, Product Increments, and Retrospectives. Join Hubert for a highly interactive discussion of this important project

Hubert Smits, Rally Software Development
Using the Theory of Constraints to Coach Agile Teams

Even as a large number of teams are adopting agile methods, some teams are finding this transition to be a big leap. Because each team is unique, they are not able to follow all of the practices "by the book." Each team must customize certain practices to best suit its needs and abilities. Naresh Jain shares his experiences guiding agile teams through this transition. He introduces a technique of coaching teams that employs Goldratt's Theory of Constraints to identify the bottlenecks and issues faced by the team during the agile adoption process. Naresh shows how more experienced agile teams can use the Theory of Constraints technique as a just-in-time practice to eliminate bottlenecks and deliver new knowledge and experience to the team.

Naresh Jain, ThoughtWorks Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Flow, Pull, Innovate: How Agile Teams Mature and Scale

Jean Tabaka offers straightforward advice on how agile teams can mature and learn to scale up to larger and larger projects. The three steps of her approach emphasize a path based on principles of Lean Thinking--Flow, Pull, and Innovate. Flow is about creating smooth delivery of value. Pull is the way teams pull ready items for delivery, and the business pulls ready, tested, and valuable features into productive use. Innovate is about how the organization drives improvements rather than merely responding to issues. For each of the three steps, Jean outlines practices for growth and identifies pitfalls to avoid and roadblocks to navigate around. You can apply the disciplines discussed in this class to a single co-located team, a team of teams, or an entire organization eager to take advantage of both agile and lean approaches. Join Jean and learn to achieve the greatest innovations with a much lower risk of failure.

Jean Tabaka, Rally Software Development
Pragmatic Learning: Improve Your Learning Skills (Part 2)

Your approach to learning a new technology or acquiring a new skill is key to your personal success. So, how do you learn how to learn? What tricks can you use to learn faster and retain more of what you learn? Andy Hunt presents a brief recap of The Dreyfus Model for learning and explains how you can learn more deliberately by managing your “knowledge portfolio.” Andy explores practical learning techniques including mind maps, reading techniques, and situational feedback. During this class, he shows how these techniques fit in to the cognitive model discussed in “Refactoring Your Wetware (Part 1).” Andy describes methods ranging from the tried-and-true to the truly exotic that he uses to cope with the veritable torrent of new information that assaults each of us. Andy’s promise? "You'll learn one proven technique that can improve your daily productivity by 20%-30%."

Andy Hunt, The Pragmatic Programmers


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