Better Software Magazine Articles

Culture Clash

Kathy Iberle reveals how her definition of quality changed when her job did.

Kathy Iberle's picture Kathy Iberle
Collaborative Pest Control

Read this edition of "From the Front Line," to find out why Brett Goldman says having more QA meetings can be a good thing.

Brett Goldman
Metrics That Matter: Making Measurements Meaningful for Everyone

Metrics are only worthwhile if you review and use them. Do your quality reports go directly from the inbox to the trash can? A quality metrics program can be a great asset to your organization. Engineering, sales, and the company overall can benefit from having such a program. This article will help you explore ways to make measurements meaningful outside of QA.

Marsha Holliday
QA Consciousness Raising

Change is hard, but leading your managers and co-workers toward higher quality needn't be dull and dreary. In this article, author Lisa Crispin explains several techniques you can use to take your organization to the next level, including gauging your visibility and recruiting a quality champion.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Project Archaeology

This article aims to show you the rich variety of information that can be used to help you build a good model of the system you are involved with. Some of the areas covered are: the business context; the language; the organizational structure; the culture; and cross-departmental relationships.

Andy Schneider
Focused Improvement

Improving processes takes planning, time, and effort. A formal improvement project that applies the best practices of development to process improvement can help focus your team and effect real and lasting change.

Karen King
A Baker's Dozen of Dirty Words

III offers alternatives to thirteen commonly misused terms and phrases, including walkthrough, quality assurance, phase, O-O analysis, maintenance, function, and estimate.

The Two Faces of Quality

Lina Watson questions the conflicting views of quality assurance and describes the distortions that can occur between software process realities and their perceived image in the corporate world.

Lina Watson
One Size Does Not Fit All

For all of the effort we've made in the software field to find the best methodology, the best programming language, the best operating system, the best set of tools, even the best process maturity model—the search for the "best" is often futile. Robert L. Glass urges you to not be confined by a software approach that doesn't match your specific needs.

Robert L. Glass
Faults of Omission

Brian Marick is obsessed with faults of omission in software code, and he thinks you should be too. In this Bug Report, Marick describes coding omissions, design omissions, and requirements omissions, and offers some ways to prevent (or at least test) them.

Brian Marick


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