TTCN-3: A Standard Test Scripting Language In this article, the author lays out the case for having a dedicated, standardized test language. The benefits of using a TTCN-3 are also detailed. Read on for an explanation of TTCN-3 and learn how TTCN-3 may be instrumental in bringing testing into the modern age.
Matt Graney, Telelogic North America Inc
Establishing a Fully Integrated Test Automation Architecture These conference materials have not been published at the request of the speaker. For information: Contact [email protected]
Ed Kit, Software Development Technologies
The Dynamic Answer to Test Automation: Model-Based Testing This paper discusses the advantages to using Model-Based testing. Model-Based testing provides efficient coverage, tests what you expect and what you don’t, and finds crashing and non-crashing bugs. It is resistant to pesticide paradox and is fun to watch. Read on as the author explains this method.
Harry Robinson, Microsoft Corporation
STAREAST 2003: Implementing a Test Automation Framework This paper discusses how to properly implement a test automation framework. You will learn keys to automation success, how to design test library architecture, and how to develop project implementation models.
Linda Hayes, WorkSoft
STAREAST 2003: Surviving the Top Ten Challenges of Software Test Automation In this paper, Mr. Rice discusses what it takes to survive the top ten challenges of software test automation. Detailed explanations of solutions to these common problems facing teams are also included.
Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services Inc
The Future of Test Automation and Its Impact on You Do you think software testing professionals fully leverage the amazing computing power that's available to them? Are you up to speed on the latest research efforts in software testing? Do you know how advances in test automation will affect your testing career in the years to come? Despite huge increases in computing power and exciting new research, test execution is still the only area where software test automation is used with any consistency. With some rare exceptions, most software tests are still designed, developed, and analyzed manually. Even the very popular capture/playback tools are mostly used to automate the execution of "manually" recorded scripts, using "manually" provided test data. We've only scratched the surface of what can, and should, be automated in testing. This presentation shows you how recent advances in software, hardware, and networking will affect test automation over the next several years.
Alberto Savoia, TestAgility Inc.
Interface-Driven Model-Based Test Automation For larger projects, interface-driven modeling is often an improvement over the more common requirements-driven models for test automation. Combining both methods, Mark Blackburn presents an interface-driven approach for automated test case creation and test driver generation. He focuses on how test engineers can develop more reusable models by clarifying their written requirements as models using component and system interfaces. Mark Blackburn offers his experiences, insights, and recommendations for applying this approach.
Mark Blackburn, Software Productivity Consortium
Test Automation: Reducing Time to Market Test automation has remained a popular topic for discussion among testers. In this session, Jim Dougherty walks you through the development of an actual, first-stage automation process. He also explains how to facilitate the formation of an automation team in a lessons-learned study of how to get from here to there, and why you should. He also explains how his newly formed team developed its processes, action plan, and benefits-derived reporting.
James Dougherty and Keith Haber, Lexis-Nexis
Tackling the Test Automation Challenge: The Centralized Team Approach There's no doubt that setting sail into the test automation universe is a challenging endeavor indeed. In this session, Dave Torresan provides a true account of the challenges faced by his team in becoming his company's centralized test automation specialists. After dispelling some of the myths of test automation, he describes how his team was established and the prerequisites you'll need before attempting to do the same. With live demonstrations, he shows RBC Financial Group's approach to injecting cost-effective test automation into their testing process.
Dave Torresan, RBC Financial Group
Testing Internet Explorer: From Underdog To Best-In-Class Browser While a test team with world-class automation may not be the only thing standing between your product and success, it's certainly a step in the right direction. Learn how the Internet Explorer test team grew from its decentralized, manual testing beginnings to a lean, mean automating machine. Jason Taylor shares lessons learned on the frontlines that will help you and your team create test cases that are manageable, reporting that makes sense, and test automation that can think while you sleep. Learn how a combination of smart infrastructure investments, paradigm shifts, and model-based testing turned the Internet Explorer test team into one of the finest at Microsoft.
Jason Taylor, Microsoft