Better Software Magazine Articles

One Step Back ... Two Steps Forward

A change to code that previously was working may introduce new failures. Testing for regression can catch these failures, find new problems, and identify opportunities to improve your test design.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Risky Business: A Safe Approach to Risk-Based Testing

When you’ve got more tests than time, you prioritize based on risks. But risk-based testing has risks of its own. Randall Rice offers some advice on balancing risks with contingencies to take some of the bite out of risk-based testing.

Randy Rice
Blink . . . or You'll Miss It

Michael Bolton takes some tips from Malcolm Gladwell's hit book "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" to change his perspective, remove extra information, and look for hidden patterns in using the aptly named "blink testing."

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Test Patterns: Nine Techniques to Help Test for a Greater Variety of Bugs.

Building on his earlier columns covering James Bach's Heuristic Test Strategy Model, Michael Bolton delivers nine techniques--each of which affords a different way of modeling the product--to help you test your systems for a greater variety of bugs.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Taking Our Act on the Road

In this Test Connection, Michael Bolton discusses making your products portable.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
More Than One Answer; More Than One Question

Connect with an expert to learn how to work smarter and discover new ways to uncover more defects. In this issue, Michael Bolton continues his discussion of James Bach's Heuristic Test Strategy Model by focusing on the importance of customer-facing quality criteria.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Elemental Models

Connect with an expert to learn how to work smarter and discover new ways to uncover more defects. In this issue, Michael Bolton continues his discussion of James Bach's Heuristic Test Strategy Model by introducing the Product Elements perspective on test coverage.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
The Power of Predictability

Turn to The Last Word, where software professionals who care about quality give you their opinions on hot topics. This month, Linda Hayes details why being able to predict the end state of your data at the beginning of a test is vital to achieving accurate results.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
Do You Want Fries With That Test?

Connect with an expert to learn how to work smarter and learn new ways to uncover more defects. In this issue, Michael Bolton dishes out commentary on why testers who master skills instead of memorizing techniques are relished in the software industry.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
The Expert as Impediment

Turn to The Last Word, where software professionals who care about quality give you their opinions on hot topics. This month, Brian Marick offers advice on why people are sometimes right to resist experts.

Brian Marick


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