test-driven development

Better Software Magazine Articles

Developers and testers 5 Ways to Pair Developers with Testers

Some agile practices stress the importance of pairing team members together to achieve better team performance. Try these five suggestions for pairing key resources.

Jeffery Payne's picture Jeffery Payne
Applying Test-Driven Development to Agile

Test-driven development (TDD) is fundamental to agile, but to most of us caught up in projects, there's never enough time to commit to it. Erick Fleming shows how to use TDD to improve product quality and time to delivery.

Erick Fleming's picture Erick Fleming
Why ISO 29119 Is a Flawed Quality Standard

Never afraid to voice his opinion, James Christie doesn't object to the adoption of any recommendations that improve software quality. He does, however, believe that ISO 29119 is fundamentally flawed.

James Christie's picture James Christie
Software Testers Should Know about ISO 29119

The ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 has defined a set of requirements for testing software. As a member of the ISO working group, Jon Hagar wants you to know the basics and why testing teams should consider this recommendation.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
A Tale of Two Doctors and the Value Stream

Johanna Rothman compares the experience a patient has with doctors to software development. Producing value implies that the customer believes the software you create provides an important benefit by taking into  consideration the way a user works along with an exceptional user experience.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
How Can You Get More Effective with DevOps?

By emphasizing better communication and collaboration between software development and IT, this article explores ways to establish trust by focusing on customer value. For example, Manoj Khanna suggests continuous integration and validation as techniques that helps build that trust.

Manoj Khanna's picture Manoj Khanna
Quick, Before We Release

Matt Heusser presents ten key factors to establish a team cadence—the time between running tests and getting a product into production. The shorter the cadence, the less time spent in test/fix/retest land, and the more time spent working on new features.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
You Can't Be Agile without Automated Unit Testing

Agile projects assume that test planning, test creation, and test execution take place throughout a project's lifecycle. So the need for unit testing (and especially automated unit testing) can't be ignored and should be considered as a key responsibility of the entire team—not just the software developers.

Gil Zilberfeld's picture Gil Zilberfeld
Learning For Agile Testers, Part 2

In part one of our Learning for Agile Testers series, we addressed general "thinking" skills that go beyond technical competence and how learning these enhances the value you contribute. In part two, we discuss some specific technical skills that benefit testers and how to acquire them.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin Janet Gregory
How Do You Write Good User Stories?

Expert answers to frequently asked questions. In this issue, David Hussman explains how to write good user stories.

David Hussman's picture David Hussman


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