Conference Presentations

Tests and Requirements: You Can't Have One without the Other

The practice of software development, including agile, requires a clear understanding of business needs. Misunderstanding requirements causes waste, missed schedules, and mistrust within the organization. A disagreement about whether or not an incident is a defect can arise between testers and developers when the cause is really a disagreement about the requirement itself. Ken Pugh describes how you can use acceptance tests to decrease this misunderstanding of intent. A testable requirement provides a single source that serves as the analysis document, acceptance criteria, regression test suite, and progress tracker for any given feature. Ken explores the creation, evaluation, and use of testable requirements by the business and developers. Examine how to transform requirements into stories- small units of work-each of which has business value, small implementation effort, and easy to understand acceptance tests.

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Testing in the Cloud: Policy, Security, Privacy, and Culture

Many organizations are evaluating and migrating toward cloud computing solutions. In 2012, the challenges are less technological, and more cultural and policy related. Steven Woodward shares the National Institute of Standards for Technology (NIST) Cloud Computing Reference Architecture that forms the foundation for many organizations’ cloud initiatives. He describes the key policy, security, privacy, and cultural considerations in the context of testing in cloud computing and what cloud standards development organizations are adopting. When considering cloud computing service models, old habits need to be reassessed and refined. Testers in the cloud need to be aware of the various options and specifically where they fit in the cloud ecosystem. Cloud testing skills remain critical; however, processes, procedures, and general habits will require changes, depending on the specific cloud solution adopted.

Steven Woodward, Cloud Perspectives
Making the Most of Test Automation on an Agile Project

In today’s competitive marketplace, the ability to rapidly release new product features is vital. As we move from traditional release cycles of months and years to cycles of days and weeks, test automation approaches need rethinking. Alexander Andelkovic describes the challenges of implementing and integrating rapid test automation on an agile project. Traditional test automation tries to maintain an ever-growing regression test suite and struggles to implement automated tests of new functionality. Manual testers often lack the necessary skills to implement automated tests in a short-cycle development environment. Alexander describes a process to save time by having manual testers implement their own tests daily using a simple, model-based test automation framework that requires only basic modeling and scripting skills. Automated tests can be implemented earlier, providing valuable feedback to the project.

Alexander Andelkovic, Spotify
Building a 21st Century Test Automation Framework

Customers in today’s Web 2.0 world expect rapid releases of feature-rich applications that just work. Keeping up with such a paradigm change requires test organizations to focus heavily on test automation. Also required is the ability to deal with a test environment that has multiple teams simultaneously working on different areas of a product. Of increasing importance are parallelism, pipelining, and using machine intelligence to sort through the noise and find real defects in products. Clark Malmgren shares how Comcast has increased throughput of their tests by running them in parallel across multiple set-top boxes and pipelining tests to minimize downtime during a test run. Learn how to maximize your testers’ time by harnessing the power of machine intelligence to identify which test failures are real and which are the result of other issues-and allow your team to focus its limited time on what really matters.

Clark Malmgren, Comcast Video Services
Testing a Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse Project

When an organization builds a data warehouse, critical business decisions are made on the basis of the data. But how do you know the data is accurate? What should you test, and how? Karen Johnson discusses how to test in the highly technical areas of data extraction, transformation, and loading. Stored procedures, triggers, and custom ETL (extract, transform, load) transactions often must be tested before the reports or dashboards from a business intelligence (BI) project can be tested. The volume of data is frequently so large that testing “all the data” is simply not possible so choosing an appropriate test data set is often one of the most strategic decisions in BI testing. Karen shares stories about past BI projects and ideas on how to test data warehouse and business intelligence projects. Learn the techniques for ensuring quality data on your vital databases.

Karen Johnson, Software Test Management, Inc.
SoLoMo Is Shaking Up The Testing Landscape: How QA Organizations Can Adapt, Keep Up, and Thrive

The collision of social, local, and mobile media (a.k.a. SoLoMo) is impacting and disrupting software development and testing organizations worldwide. With so much sensitive and critical data flowing to and from SoLoMo technologies, there is immense pressure to ensure that apps are reliable, scalable, and secure across a multitude of environments-handsets, tablets, operating systems, browsers, carriers, languages, and locations. Using real-world success stories from Google, Microsoft, and others, Matt Johnston identifies how SoLoMo has transformed the software industry and reveals the secrets to overcoming the challenges that SoLoMo technologies present today. For example, companies that communicate with customers and partners via Facebook or Twitter must protect sensitive data. GPS apps present location-testing challenges.

Matt Johnston, uTest Inc.
State-of-the-Art Cloud Testing: Experiences with Bing Search

The cloud is penetrating every technology organization and almost every software product or service. The cloud affects everything inside development, bringing profound changes to how engineers build, test, release, and maintain software and systems. Sharing his experiences at Microsoft working on the Bing search engine, Ken Johnston reveals how they devised and implemented a test-oriented architecture (TOA) at every layer within their product solution. He explores what stayed the same and what changed when their test organization moved to state-of-the-art cloud testing. Learn how the cloud is driving broader adoption of agile development and driving organizations toward accelerated release rates. Find out how the Bing team shifted to a “continuous testing in production” model for testing web services and eliminated the surprises that came from the old approach of big-at-the-end testing.

Ken Johnston, Microsoft Corporation
Becoming a Kick-*** Test Manager

Want to be a great test manager for your team? A leader your company values highly? Too many test managers do what their organization asks-rather than what their organization needs-and hope for good things to happen. Great test managers are leaders who don’t accept the status quo. They continuously seek ways to improve testing processes and practices. Instead of whining about needing more resources, they set priorities and get things done. They know who or what they need, why and when they need it, and persevere to obtain that person, lab, or tool. They say, “No” when that’s the right answer. So, are these people mythical creatures, or do they really exist? They exist, all right! Johanna Rothman shares stories from her test manager past and tales from the great test managers she knows.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Tapping into Testing Mobile Devices and Apps

Look around you at all those people gazing into smart phones and tablets, tapping away, seemingly oblivious to what’s going on around them. Like it or not, mobile devices and the applications they host are now enmeshed in our everyday lives. And these mobile devices present testers with unique challenges-rapidly changing technologies, multi-platform support, new human factor UI challenges, and how to best employ these devices for testing. Join Jonathan Kohl, who works in the nuts and bolts of mobile testing, to explore testing opportunities in this growing market. Learn about the new landscape of testing in areas of mobility (we need to move around when we test), social interactions (how social media can enhance or distract from our testing), and entertainment (how casual use is affecting commercial software). Finally, and most importantly, discover how testing on mobile devices can be really fun and enjoyable.

Jonathan Kohl, Kohl Concepts, Inc.
Acceptance Test-driven Development: Tests with the Future in Mind

Acceptance Test-driven Development (ATDD) is a popular topic these days-everyone’s excited about the idea of writing tests prior to development. Yet many teams run into difficulties as they attempt to implement this practice. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of writing acceptance tests that mostly specify keystrokes and button clicks. Join "Cheezy" Morgan as he offers an overview of ATDD while sharing his experiences and insights gained working with numerous teams implementing ATDD. "Cheezy" will take you on a journey of discovery, demonstrating practical techniques for writing ATDD tests that describe the essence of what they are specifying while hiding unnecessary details that obfuscate their meaning. Because ease of maintenance is a key to ATDD’s long-term ROI, "Cheezy" shows how to structure and layer test code to reduce brittleness and fragility so your ATDD test suite will retain its usefulness well into the future.

Jeff Morgan, LeanDog


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