Conference Presentations

Experience-driven Test Automation

Is this presentation yet another "approach: to test automation? No, it isn't. Instead, Mark Fewster shares his and others’ experiences with test automation so you can capitalize on good ideas and avoid useless ones. In their new book, Experiences of Test Automation, Mark Fewster and Dorothy Graham describe twenty-eight case histories of test automation across a rich variety of application domains, environments, and organizations. Mark highlights the common themes that span both management and technical issues-the influence managers have over test automation success and failure, the importance of keeping management informed and involved, and the need to match the investment level with the desired automation objectives. He highlights technical issues such as attending to testware architecture early, encouraging reuse to reduce maintenance costs, and scripting quality.

Mark Fewster, Grove Consultants
Test Scenarios for Data-centric Systems

Analysis and testing for data warehouse and business intelligence (BI) projects typically confirm that data was correctly mapped and can be accessed as intended. Such work is absolutely necessary, though not sufficient. Testing for data-centric systems also must prove that the data can be used as intended. Although behavior-modeling techniques that explore system usage aren’t typically part of business warehousing and BI toolkits, they are key to deployments that meet business expectations. Sue Burk shares her experiences in exploring business usage with use cases, scenarios, and user acceptance tests in support of data warehousing and BI analysis. Join Sue to learn how models that examine behavior can help you better specify tests for your data warehouse and BI projects. Find out how to reframe test objectives as business usage versus system usage to develop powerful insight into BI user and business needs.

Sue Burk, EBG Consulting
STAREAST 2012: Testing in the DevOps World of Continuous Delivery

DevOps is an increasingly popular approach to ensure that the delivered code is stable, capable of working as advertised, and available in production immediately. In a continuous delivery environment, the team members must be multi-skilled and able to handle all delivery activities-development, testing, and sysadmin tasks. Manoj Narayanan describes how testing is implemented through DevOps tenets and how it compares to the more familiar agile methodology. To leverage DevOps, it is critical that QA organizations and individual testers adapt to new responsibilities and skill sets. Learn how functional and regression test automation play a critical role in enabling testing organizations to play their part in the world of continuous delivery.

Manoj Narayanan, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Improving Quality: One Weekend at a Time

What if there were a way that testers could practice the craft of testing and learn from mentors all over the world? A way they could tackle interesting problems with both novices and experienced testers participating together? A way completely free of cost? Sound like fantasy? It isn’t-if you are part of the “Weekend Testing” group. Michael Larsen demonstrates the methods used in Weekend Testing and discusses how you, too, can participate in these online sessions. Michael explains how to facilitate a Weekend Testing session yourself and shares some lessons he's learned from dozens of Weekend Testing sessions in the past few years. Additionally, he shows how to take these same ideas and use them within your organization-even if you never participate in an official Weekend Testing session.

Michael Larsen,
Integrating a Cloud Solution into Your Test Environment

Cloud computing is THE big buzzword in the computing industry today. At Gerdau, they have chosen a cloud computing solution for their ongoing test environment strategy, employing an outsourced infrastructure vendor. Jim Trentadue explains why it is critical that sound testing environment practices be in place before moving to the cloud. He reviews steps his company took to migrate to a cloud-based environment-starting with a development sandbox, through various testing phases, and finally to the pre-production staging area before deploying to production. Jim reviews how to integrate cloud computing into your test management practices and concludes by highlighting thoughts of how cloud-based test environments can change testing process and procedures. With a cloud test environment, your organization can realize the benefits of strictly segregated code bases for quicker defect resolution.

Jim Trentadue, Gerdau
You Can't Spell Agile Testing without "ET"

Do you ever get that creeping feeling there is more to agile testing than automating it? Have you wondered how you should test quality considerations beyond the story cards? Have you tried to use exploratory testing to bridge this gap, yet struggled with how to do it systematically in an agile context? If so, then what you need is a refreshing aromatic blend of exploratory and agile approaches. Lanette Creamer and Matt Barcomb share their ideas, experiences, and approaches on how agile teams can visualize and achieve quality at and beyond the story level. Learn what exploratory charters are and how to turn them into adaptive test ideas. Discover how agile teams can integrate exploratory testing techniques in an iterative incremental way, dynamically syncing with changes in the product.

Lanette Creamer, Spark Quality, LLC
Test Design for Automation

Automation is often seen as a technical challenge-a matter of applying the right technology, tools, and smart programming talent. However, test automation often lags behind expectations and is difficult to manage and maintain, especially for large and complex systems. Hans Buwalda describes the role that the right choices for test design can play in automation success. Specifically, discover how good automated tests are not the same as the automation of good manual tests. Instead, you should break down your tests into modules-building blocks-where each has a clear scope and purpose. The test cases you design within each module need to reflect that scope and nothing more. Hans also explains how to separate the automation details from the test itself with keyword-based testing and describes how all these principles fit together to give you a better result with less time and effort.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear Corporation
Exploring Old-fashioned Test Design Techniques

Structured test design techniques have been around almost as long as testing itself. Some people even call them old school and out-of-date. Join Ruud Teunissen to examine why test design techniques have been and always will be useful to testers. Explore the well-known-and often ignored-principles of equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, condition/decision coverage, and operational use. Learn-or relearn-how to use these techniques no matter what application context you’re in: cloud, web services, end-to-end, or mobile. Structured test design techniques help you achieve predictable test coverage in a transparent and reusable way and focus testing based on risks within imposed constraints. Ruud helps you hone your craftsmanship for testing functionality, stress and performance testing, security testing, and usability testing.

Ruud Teunissen, Polteq Test Services B.V.
Making Distributed Testing Teams Work

Working with distributed testing teams can cause extreme frustration, slower releases, and even outright project failures. However, it doesn't have to be that way. Although distributed teams can help you bring great value to your customers, you'll need a new approach and different mindset to help the team work effectively. Jim Holmes walks you through critical aspects of distributed teams, including forming the team, finding tools for communication, smoothing workflow, and dealing with conflict. Together with Jim and other participants, discuss how a test team's regular tasks can be split across the continent or the globe. Discover practical tips for communication methods (hint: email is always your last resort), finding tools that help foster good communication, and figuring out how to leverage time zones.

Jim Holmes, Telerik
STAREAST 2012: Concurrent Testing Games: Developers and Testers Working Together

The best software development teams find ways for programmers and testers to work closely together. These teams recognize that programmers and testers each bring their own unique strengths and perspectives to the project. However, working in agile teams requires us to unlearn many of the patterns that traditional development taught us. In this interactive session with Nate Oster, learn how to use the agile practice of concurrent testing to overcome common testing dysfunctions by having programmers and testers work together-rather than against each other-to deliver quality results throughout an iteration. Join Nate and practice concurrent testing with games that demonstrate just how powerfully the wrong approaches can act against your best efforts and how agile techniques can help you escape the cycle of poor quality and late delivery.

Nate Oster, CodeSquads LLC


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