Selecting Mobile Application Automation Tools Today’s mobile application market holds massive promise for devices and applications that exceed user expectations. Despite the hurry-to-market pressures of mobile development, proper testing is vital to differentiating an application in a highly competitive market. Pradeep Govindasamy describes three areas to consider in choosing test automation tools: browser/platform, screen resolution/input mechanism, and external system interface. The first involves selecting different browser and platform combinations-iPhone IOS, Android SDK, etc.-and evaluating GUI Mapping, recording of objects, and reusability. The second area defines the types of interfaces needed for classes, modules, or libraries to ensure that the automation tools provide support.
Pradeepkumar Govindasamy, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Test Process Improvement with TMMi® The Test Maturity Model integration® (TMMi®) model, developed to complement the CMMI® framework, is rapidly becoming the test process improvement model of choice in Europe, Asia, and the US. Erik van Veenendaal, one of the developers of TMMi, describes the model’s five maturity levels-Initial, Managed, Defined, Management and Measurement, and Optimization-and the key testing practices required at each level. The model’s definition of maturity levels provides the basis for standardized TMMi assessments and certification, enabling companies to consistently deploy testing practices and collect industry metrics. The benefits of using the TMMi model include an improvement of testing methods, reduction in costs, and improved product quality.
Erik van Veenendaal, Improve Quality Services BV
xBTM: Taking Full Advantage of Exploratory Testing Exploratory testing provides both flexibility and speed, which have become increasingly important as more and more projects adopt agile where scripted tests are struggling to keep up with the quick pace of short iterations. So, how do you retain traceability back to requirements with exploratory testing without losing your creativity? Christin Wiedemann and Michael Albrecht share their experiences using a combination of session-based test management and thread-based test management which they call xBTM. In session-based test management, Michael and Christin structured and documented exploratory testing in sessions. However, sometimes the work environment is too hectic or chaotic and requires more flexibility and freedom, which is provided by thread-based test management. Why not get the best of both techniques? xBTM unites the two exploratory techniques to get the full advantage of both-from test planning to test reporting.
Christin Wiedemann, AddQ Consulting AB
Managing Intrateam Dysfunction Inspired by her years of consulting with large and small test teams, Dawn Haynes shares her observations of the most common and troublesome dysfunctions within software project teams-absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results. Often team members and managers are so heads-down in the day-to-day tasks that they aren’t even aware of their problems. Without an understanding of the dysfunctions and their root causes, improvement is a non-starter. Dawn provides a roadmap to identify the dysfunctions in any team and maps those issues to a set of recommendations for remediation. Using real project scenarios as examples, Dawn highlights debilitating dynamics-and solutions in context-among software project managers, development teams, and internal/external QA/test teams.
Dawn Haynes, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Practical Threat Modeling: Engaging Testers Early Threat modeling is one of the most important activities that development and test teams should perform as part of a security development lifecycle. Although threat modeling is not always easy to get going for a team that has little or no security experience, it can be critical to your products and your project. Edward Bonver explores the process behind modeling threats to systems and demonstrates resulting models. He explains how the process has been successfully implemented and followed across Symantec, where development teams and environments vary dramatically across hundreds of products. Learn how the Symantec development and test teams build a comprehensive security profile of the software, providing a guide for secure development as well as the testing focus and strategy.
Edward Bonver, Symantec Corporation
Mobile Testing: Old Wine in a New Bottle? In the enterprise, mobile adoption is increasing at a fast pace-and so are the concerns about security, reliability, and quality for the software that drives mobile devices. Some of the unique and unfamiliar challenges faced while testing mobile applications are usability, network connectivity, online/offline content, call interruptions, varying form factors, networks, and device providers. Manish Mathuria describes how mobile testing differs from testing traditional enterprise systems. He provides practical tips on how to quickly and smoothly transition from traditional software testing to mobile testing while striving to deliver the same level of quality. Manish explores the nascent mobile testing tools available today to test enterprise mobile applications that are quickly reaching the same complexity as their desktop counterparts.
Manish Mathuria, InfoStretch Corporation
Be the Tester Your Dog Thinks You Are Most of us grew up wanting to be firemen or astronauts or teachers-not testers. Eric Jacobson, an average guy and not incredibly technical, loves software testing and his career in testing as much as his dog loves him. Using videos and candid photos of his test team at work, Eric shares the top ten skills and practices he’s developed and honed over the years to make himself a test leader. He explains how he helps his team establish reasonable goals and then meet them. Find out why testing broadly first and deeper later keeps the programmer busy and takes some of the guesswork out of test estimation. Watch Eric as he shows you how to use white boarding to explore technical systems and help programmers find their own mistakes. Take back to work ten ideas you can employ immediately to help you be the tester your dog thinks you are.
Eric Jacobson, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
STARWEST 2011: Test Process Improvement on a Shoestring In most organizations cost reduction is still the number one motivation for test process improvement. Although several formal improvement models are popular, they require formal assessments, process change working groups, extensive implementation programs, and new organizational structures. Instead, you can quickly implement measures that improve your testing process incrementally within your day-to-day activities. Martin Pol presents a low-budget way to select and implement a set of measures that can rapidly improve testing’s contribution to your project’s success-simple risk analysis, proactive test design, coverage targeting, and novel ways to reuse tools, environments, expertise, and existing testware. Learn how low-budget test process improvement can become a natural behavior for your testing staff. Achieve quick wins by working more closely with development and using what you have-instead of buying or creating new tools.
Martin Pol, Polteq Test Services B.V.
Risk-based Testing: When You Can't Test It All Testers everywhere have experienced this scenario-the development cycle slips and now testing gets two weeks instead of four to complete its work. How do you systematically determine what to test and what not to test in this time-constrained situation? How do you determine the right amount of testing so that you are not doing too much or too little? Reán Young shows how using a risk-based approach helps to identify test strategy options based on a combination of business and technical factors. They evaluate risks in each area of the application and devise a test plan that ensures that the most critical components will be tested before the deadline. This approach encourages the entire project team to take ownership of determining what should be tested.
Rean Young, Kroger Company
Establishing a Testing Center of Excellence: The Pros and Cons Many testing organizations view implementing a Testing Center of Excellence (TCoE) as a positive step toward providing better service to their clients. They understand how a TCoE can define and promote standard testing practices, consolidate testing tools, reduce costs, define testing boundaries, and provide specialized testing services. Unfortunately, many organizations, as they work to establish their TCoE, face problems and don’t achieve the promised benefits. Raja Neravati explores approaches for overcoming the challenges of implementing a TCoE. He describes a “tested” TCoE implementation process to address business goals, stakeholder interests, span of control, budgets, and quality problems.
Raja Neravati, AppLabs