From One Expert to Another: Joe Strazzere Joe Strazzere is a longtime software tester and test manager, blogger, an active member of the online testing community, a sports fan, and a recent grandparent. Here, Alan Page chats with Joe about his love of testing, his career in test, and his philosophies of test management.
STARWEST 2012 Keynote: Leverage Your Test Automation ROI with Creative Solutions
Typical automated tests perform repetitive tasks quickly and accurately to lighten the burden of manual testing. These tests mimic typical interactions with the system, checking for pre-determined outcomes. However, with some creativity and a sound strategy, you can...
Doug Hoffman, Software Quality Methods LLC
STARWEST 2012: Lightning Strikes the Keynotes
Lightning Talks have been a popular part of many STAR conferences. Lightning Talk session consists of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period and are an opportunity to deliver their single biggest bang-for-the-buck idea in a rapid-fire presentation.
Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
STARWEST 2012 Keynote: State-of-the-Art Cloud Testing: Experiences with Bing Search
The cloud is penetrating every technology organization and almost every software product or service. The cloud affects everything inside development, bringing profound changes to how engineers build, test, release, and maintain software and systems.
Ken Johnston, Microsoft
STARWEST 2012 Keynote: Tapping into Testing Mobile Applications
Look around you at all those people gazing into smart phones and tablets, tapping away, seemingly oblivious to what’s going on around them. Like it or not, mobile devices and the applications they host are now enmeshed in our everyday lives.
Jonathan Kohl, Kohl Concepts Inc.
STARWEST 2012: Finding the Real Value in Load Testing
Understand the processes and tools needed to uncover the real value in load testing. Learn how to reduce the number of load testing cycles yet get more effective results out of the load testing exercise. Eliminate the finger pointing that often accompany the load testing process.
Duane Dorch, Compuware
STARWEST 2012 Keynote: Becoming a Kick-*** Test Manager
Want to be a great test manager for your team? A leader your company values highly? Too many test managers do what their organization asks—rather than what their organization needs—and hope for good things to happen. Great test managers are leaders who don’t accept the status quo.
Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group Inc.
Invest in a Testing Framework
HP Automated Testing Solutions. A modern application. Component based testing—why frameworks? Automation evolution. HP Automated functional testing solution. Orginzational Considerations. Resources.
Heather Taylor, HP Software
ClouT 3i Infotech's Testing Platform Enterprise
Infotech is a global Information Technology company committed to Empowering Business Transformation. Our Independent Testing and Compliance Business [ITCB] became the world's first true testing platform in 2011 -- ClouT™
John Caymans, Hitachi Data Systems
Quality Mobile App Testing: An Interview with William Hurley We had the chance to sit down with William Hurley ahead of his upcoming session at the 2012 Better Software Conference East in Orlando. William shared with us the testing methodologies and focuses that increase the quality of your mobile apps and leave your clients thrilled with your work.