How Do You Write Good User Stories? Expert answers to frequently asked questions. In this issue, David Hussman explains how to write good user stories.
What Are You Doing? Your issue-tracking and version-management systems are powerful tools that you can use to help you manage change and improve team and individual productivity. This article provides some simple advice on how to use your tracking system to be more productive without introducing excessive overhead.
My Experience with Test-Driven Development Vinay Krishna explains why agile development includes testing and coding concurrently, which is also what test-driven development emphasizes. The transformation from coder to developer to tester is needed in all agile software development projects.
FAQ: What are good sources of less common agile test ideas? In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Rob Sabourin answers one of the questions students ask him most often.
Increase Quality with Table-Driven Acceptance Tests Vague or ambiguous requirements can cause loops in development processes. Creating requirements that include acceptance tests cuts down on the looping and increases the flow of working software to the customer.
Action Based Testing For many organizations, automation is a burden--even with good tools. Keywords are popular but don't suffice on their own. Action based testing places a high emphasis on modularized test design, not only making tests lean and mean but also allowing for very stable and maintainable automation.
The Two Sides of Software Testing: Checking and Exploring Is testing about checking against system requirements, or is it about exploring the software? In this article, Elisabeth Hendrickson explains a valuable truth often clouded by this debate—good testing takes advantage of both of these approaches.
Agile Test Automation Development We can apply agile development practices to test automation like any other software development project. The good news is … using agile practices for test automation projects addresses some of the classic problems of test automation: when and what to build, increasing automation execution to achieve extended return-on-investment, and test automation teams “going dark” for long periods of time. Sharing a case study, Monica Luke demonstrates how adopting agile principles increases the test automation team’s visibility and productivity while providing higher value automation. She addresses the special challenges of building automation in real-time while the product is also under development and explores GUI test automation issues. Learn how to incorporate stakeholder feedback, time-boxed iterations, demos, and other agile concepts into your test automation initiatives.
Monica Luke, IBM Rational
Better Software Conference West 2010: Concurrent Testing Games: Developers and Testers Working Together The best software development teams find ways for programmers and testers to work closely together to build quality into their software. These teams recognize that programmers and testers each bring their own unique strengths and perspectives to the table. Only by building upon this combination can we reach our full potential to consistently deliver quality. To do this, we first have to unlearn the anti-patterns that traditional development taught us. In this interactive workshop, learn how to use Concurrent Testing to overcome these common "testing smells" by having programmers and testers working together, rather than against each other, throughout development iterations. Play games to demonstrate just how powerfully dysfunctional systems can act against your best efforts and how agile techniques can help you escape the cycle of poor quality and late delivery.
Abby Fichtner, Microsoft
Performance and Security Testing in Agile Development While most organizations are starting to come to terms with the process aspects of agile, they still face challenges when identifying how to modify their testing practices to be more flexible. This is particularly true for security and performance testing where many organizations hold on to a waterfall-style approach, leaving these critical aspects to the end of the release and often leaving the application open to vulnerabilities. Based on her many customer experiences, Tracy DeDore shares the practices she recommends for nonfunctional testing: writing testable user stories, planning for testing beginning at sprint 0, and introducing "hardening" sprints that help users and developers incorporate security and performance testing into agile processes.
Tracy DeDore, Hewlett-Packard