Conference Presentations

Top Ten Automation Questions and Their Answers

As software becomes more complex, many strategic test automation issues emerge that put test automation projects and improvement programs more at risk than ever. Mukesh Mulchandani shares ten key questions you must answer before beginning a test automation project. He begins with the elementary questions: Should I automate now or wait? What specifically should I automate? What approach should I adopt? Mukesh then considers more complex questions: vertical vs. horizontal automation, handling static and dynamic data, and testing dynamic objects. The final questions relate to future automation trends: moving beyond keywords automation technology, making automation scripts extensible, introducing test-driven development, starting automation when the application is not yet stable, and offering the automation scripts to clients.

Mukesh Mulchandani, ZenTEST Labs
STAREAST 2009: The Irrational Tester: Avoiding the Pitfalls

As a tester or test manager, have you ever wondered whether reason actually plays a part in some management decisions? It seems that many decisions are influenced by far more-or far less-than rational analysis. Surprise! Testers make decisions that are just as irrational as anyone else. James Lyndsay presents his view of bias-why we so often labor under the illusion of control, how we lock onto the behaviors we're looking for, and why two people can use the same evidence to support opposing positions. James shares real-life experiences of tester irrationality to help you see how biases affect our everyday work. Discover why timeboxes work, why independence really matters, and the subtle nudges that can encourage us to stay on track. Be prepared to join in discussions, engage with demonstrations, and challenge your preconceptions.

James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions, Ltd.
STAREAST 2009: Testing Dialogues - Management Issues

What is the biggest management problem you are facing in 2009? Doing more with less? Demonstrating the value of testing to your company? Improving your team's skills while keeping up with projects? Automating more tests? Testing Dialogues is a unique platform for you to learn from experienced test managers around the world and share your ideas and experiences at the same time. Facilitated by Rob Sabourin and Lee Copeland, this double session focuses on test management issues that you face every day. You'll share your expertise and successes and learn from others' challenges and lessons learned. Lee and Rob will help participants generate topics in real-time and structure discussions in a framework so that everyone will receive a summary of the work product after the conference. Many past participants in Management Dialogues have rated it session their best experience at the STAR conference.

Rob Sabourin,
Challenges in SOA Performance Testing

A system built using a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) consists of many different services that interact with each other to provide the system's functionality. Unlike the traditional stand-alone or client-server architecture, SOA separates functions as distinct services making them reusable and easily accessible over distributed networks. Moreover, SOA aims at a loose coupling of these business-level services. Manikanda Viswanathan explains why the traditional performance testing approach which is more application-centric will no longer yield good results. In traditional testing, each application is tested individually. These applications have few external dependencies and performance bottlenecks can be found, contained, and repaired more easily. In SOA testing, applications are distributed, highly dependent on one another, deployed on heterogeneous platforms, and often have availability challenges.

Manikanda Viswanathan, Cognizant Technology
Testing Lessons from Delivery Room Triage

Bug triage, like labor and delivery triage, is about deciding on a course of action on the spot, often with minimal information to guide decision-making. The four basic steps of labor and delivery triage apply directly to testing-preliminary assessment, interview, exploration and observation, and taking action. In testing, preliminary assessment triggers immediate action before any bug review meetings or further testing. Interview exposes important contextual information. And, just as exploration helps medical professionals better understand a patient’s condition, software testers use exploratory testing to better understand a bug. In labor triage, taking action could involve the mother being admitted, sent home, or tested further. In software testing, bug priority decisions guide bug fix decisions.

Rob Sabourin,
STAREAST 2009: Test Estimation: Painful or Painless?

As an experienced test manager, Lloyd Roden believes that test estimation is one of the most difficult aspects of test management. You must deal with many unknowns, including dependencies on development activities and the variable quality of the software you test. Lloyd presents seven proven methods he has used to estimate test effort. Some are easy and quick but prone to abuse; others are more detailed and complex but may be more accurate. Lloyd discusses FIA (finger in the air), formula/percentage, historical reference, Parkinson's Law vs. pricing, work breakdown structures, estimation models, and assessment estimation. He shares spreadsheet templates and utilities that you can use and take back to help you improve your estimations. By the end of this session, you might just be thinking that the once painful experience of test estimation can, in fact, be painless.

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
Exploratory Session-Based Testing...with a Twist

Maquet Critical Care develops medical equipment in an FDA-regulated environment and uses exploratory testing as a valuable complementary test technique to requirements-based testing. By combining more traditional techniques with exploratory testing, they achieve high quality software embedded within life-critical equipment. Although performing exploratory testing in a way that meets regulatory standards poses some interesting challenges, Maquet has discovered that session-based test management (SBTM) is effective for testing and acceptable to its external auditors. Alexander Andelkovic shares the challenges of convincing company management and outside auditors that SBTM is both efficient and acceptable. Explore the choice between buying or building an SBTM reporting tool, the benefits of well-managed exploratory testing, and the increased visibility of quality-related information.

Alexander Andelkovic, Maquet Critical Care AB
Exploratory Session-Based Testing...with a Twist

Maquet Critical Care develops medical equipment in an FDA-regulated environment and uses exploratory testing as a valuable complementary test technique to requirements-based testing. By combining more traditional techniques with exploratory testing, they achieve high quality software embedded within life-critical equipment. Although performing exploratory testing in a way that meets regulatory standards poses some interesting challenges, Maquet has discovered that session-based test management (SBTM) is effective for testing and acceptable to its external auditors. Alexander Andelkovic shares the challenges of convincing company management and outside auditors that SBTM is both efficient and acceptable. Explore the choice between buying or building an SBTM reporting tool, the benefits of well-managed exploratory testing, and the increased visibility of quality-related information.

Alexander Andelkovic, Maquet Critical Care AB
Insource or Outsource Testing: Understanding Your Context

As world trade becomes global, goods are produced and are services performed everywhere. Software development services are no exception to this trend. Indeed, they are leading these changes because the cost of developing or testing software in one place may be substantially lower than in another. Yet cost isn't all there is to the equation-you must also consider value. What do you need to know to outsource successfully? While testers offshore might cost less than they cost locally, why might it be more valuable to insource testing? In this interactive and experiential session, Michael Bolton relates his experience with outsourcing and insourcing software testing models and leads exercises to explore the advantages and disadvantages of each. Join Michael and your peers to learn how understanding organizational context is vital to the insourcing versus outsourcing decision for testing.

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
STAREAST 2009: The Case Against Test Cases

A test case is a kind of container. You already know that counting the containers in a supermarket would tell you little about the value of the food they contain. So, why do we count test cases executed as a measure of testing's value? The impact and value a test case actually has varies greatly from one to the next. In many cases, the percentage of test cases passing or failing reveals nothing about the reliability or quality of the software under test. Managers and other non-testers love test cases because they provide the illusion of both control and value for money spent. However, that doesn't mean testers have to go along with the deceit. James Bach stopped managing testing using test cases long ago and switched to test activities, test sessions, risk areas, and coverage areas to measure the value of his testing. Join James as he explains how you can make the switch-and why you should.

James Bach, Satisfice, Inc.


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