Conference Presentations

State of the Practice in Application Development: A Basis for Benchmarking

This presentation explains why knowing broad industry trends regarding application development is not enough to ensure a successful project. AD should be tightly bound to businesses. Existing measures need to be reviewed and service levels for usefulness in measuring attainment of goals that directly support each line of business need to be considered. Read on as the author details these and other important points.

Robert Solon, Gartner Inc
Reducing Organization Stress and Strain: Tools for Aligning Technology and Business

This article will help your team understand the difference between internal and external quality criteria. Also detailed are tool descriptions you can use in your alignment toolbox.

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
The Importance of Discovery: Step One in Managing Web Development Projects

Web based projects don't always get treated like software
development projects. Why? Because creative design frequently drives them. It's important to develop your Web project using the same best practices that are used in software development projects.

Seth Miller, Miller Systems, Inc.
.Net-A Complete Development Cycle

This article discusses the software development practices that were used before the inception of .NET detailing which ones worked and which ones didn't. The .NET development lifecycle and how to implement it for your team is also explained.

Gunther Lenz, Siemens Corporate Research
The Soft Side of Software - People Factors in Software Development

Developing software is all about communicating effectively. It's important to understand requirements and document project information appropriately. These tips and more are provided in this article to help your team work together more effectively.

Gary Pollice, Rational Software
Applying Software Inspections Through the Software Lifecycle

Setting the priority and severity of a bug is a business decision. Changing business conditions impact the priority and severity of a bug. It's important to ensure that the staff that is assigning the priority and severity are aware of all relevant business drivers. This article discusses
conducting software inspections through the software lifecycle.

Robert Sabourin,, Inc.
Turning Data into Information -Tricks of the Trade

This article explains the difference between a measure and a metric.

Edward Weller, Software Technology Transition
Project Management and Collaboration: Using the Web to Improve Your Projects

The speaker requested that these proceedings not be available online.

Marnie Hutcheson, Ideva
Software Development on Internet Time-Faster, Cheaper, Worse?

This article details high profile corporate disasters and how your company can avoid making the same mistakes. Checklists and tips on how to get your team to communicate better are also included.

Girish Seshagiri, Advanced Information Services
Team Size and Its Effect on Peer Reviews

This article discusses the prerequisites to quantitative management. How to create effective teams by determining recommended team size for inspections is also discussed.

Mark Paulk, Carnegie Mellon University


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