Conference Presentations

SM/ASM 2003: The Power of Retrospectives

This paper discusses and explains the differences between post project reviews and retrospectives. Three retrospective case studies are also detailed.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates Inc
Software Engineering Optimization: Measurement and Managing Change

Technical leaders and software managers face constant changes in the technology and processes used to develop and deliver applications. Discover appropriate measurements to assess and manage your projects. Discover where the optimization opportunities are in your organization, and learn what to where the optimization opportunities are in your organization, and learn what to do when things don't work out, and see how to rapidly diagnose and correct the problems. You'll also find out whether your engineering processes match the needs of your customers.

Ram Chillarege, Chillarege Inc.
Testing and Implicit Requirements: Expanding the Unwritten Specification

Testers should be encouraged to test against and report deviations from implicit specifications. There is a Universal Implicit Specification that is based on
fundamental principles. These principles are: the system will not lie, the system will impose no gratuitous keyholes or other constraints, and the system won’t do anything that’s just plain stupid.It’s worthwhile to identify, elaborate, and make explicit the fundamental principles and
common manifestations of deviations from these principles.

Scott Meyers,
Test Smarter with the 80:20 Rule

In 1963, IBM found about 80 percent of a computer's time was spent executing only computer's 20 percent of the instructions, which was a counter-intuitive breakthrough at the time. IBM rewrote the operating system to make the 20 percent faster and easier to use, improving computer performance. RISC computing is based on this principle as well. Web traffic also follows the Pareto Principle, with 10 percent of web sites having 90 percent of traffic. This article discusses how to improve your testing skills by using the 80:20 rule, (a.k.a. The Pareto Principle).

Erik Petersen, Emprove
Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Tossed: New Perspectives for Test Management

A paradigm is a set of rules and regulations that does two things: it establishes or defines boundaries; and it tells you how to be successful inside the boundaries. This paper discusses why paradigms are important and how they relate to test management.

Harry Robinson, Microsoft Corporation
Web/e-Commerce Application Stress Testing

This article discusses application stress testing in a Web/e-commerce environment. Techniques on how to recover from defect discoveries are also included.

Robert Sabourin, Inc
Revolutionize Your Automation with Application Maps and Keywords

This article details the directory structure of KWA (Keyword Architecture). The benefits of using KWA are also discussed.

Dion Johnson, Pointe Technology Group
Efficient Testing Using the Pairwise Approach

This article discusses the All-Pairs testing method and how to implement it for your testing team. Detailed instructions are also provided.

Bernie Berger, Test Assured Inc.
Damage Prevented: The Value of Testing

Techniques to help your software team prevent defects in projects are detailed. This article also discusses the economic value of testing.

Tim Koomen, Sogeti
STAREAST 2003: Rapid Web Testing in a High-Velocity Environment

This paper discusses implementing METS (Minimal Essential Testing Strategy) for your test team. METS is a strategy to help get the essential testing for your project done within the time frame allowed. Step by step instructions for using this methodology are included.

Greg Paskal, Kinko's


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