Better Software Magazine Articles

A Look at Administrator's Pak by Winternals

Find out more about this suite of utilities that allows testers to repair locked-out systems, restore lost data, remove malware, and much more.

Marnie Hutcheson
Working with Dull Knives

Why "sharp" tools are needed in almost every organization.

Clarke Ching's picture Clarke Ching
Support for Testing, Testing for Support

Where supportability and testability fit in the Quality Criteria dimension of the Heuristic Test Strategy Model.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Taking Our Act on the Road

In this Test Connection, Michael Bolton discusses making your products portable.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Test Metrics in a CMMI® Level 5 Organization

As a CMMI® Level 5 company, Motorola Global Software Group is heavily involved in software verification and validation activities. Shalini Aiyaroo, senior software engineer at Motorola, shows how tracking specific testing metrics can serve as key indicators of the health of testing and how these metrics can be used to improve testing. To improve your testing practices, find out how to track and measure phase screening effectiveness, fault density, and test execution productivity. Shalini Aiyaroo describes their use of Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) and fault prediction models to measure test effectiveness and take corrective actions. By performing orthogonal defect classification (ODC) and escaped defect analysis, the group has found ways to improve test coverage. CMMI® is a registered trademark of Carnegie Mellon University.

Shalini Aiyaroo, Motorola Malaysia Sdn. Bhd
Test Centers of Excellence: A Structured Approach for Test Outsourcing

While some outsourced test projects have delivered measurable business benefits, many others have not lived up to expectations. A new approach-Testing Centers of Excellence (TCOE)-can help outsourced test groups deliver improved business value by leveraging their work and work products across multiple client projects. Anand Iyer shares his insight on implementing client-focused TCOEs and analyzes the factors that influence success. Learn to objectively measure the potential benefits and real costs of test outsourcing to determine if outsourcing is providing business value. Find out how Testing Centers of Excellence can improve the ROI on testing whether you plan to outsource and not.

Anand Iyer, Infosys Technologies Ltd
Design and Optimize Test Cases from Use Cases

As part of developing software requirements, many project teams employ use cases to describe the human interactions with a system. Testers can use the same documents to optimize test case design. Learn the basics of use case writing and what you need to do to turn a use case into a test scenario. Find out how to extract test conditions and equivalence classes from use cases, build a test case matrix, and apply orthogonal array techniques to reduce the number of test cases needed. Take away not only a test case template that Vanguard has used successfully but also examples of a test case matrix created from use cases.

Ronald Rissel, Vanguard
What Hollywood Taught Me About Software Testing

Powerful lessons can be learned from some of the great epic movies of our day: "Star Wars" and bug triage, "Indiana Jones" and requirements, "Monty Python" and configuration management, "Jurassic Park" and unit testing, "The Usual Suspects" and teamwork, and "Star Trek" and SLAs. There are important metaphors within these movie stories that you can apply to real test management problems. Robert Sabourin's entertaining talk ties practical real-world experiences to lessons learned from the movies, offers tips to manage your team, and provides his unique insight into how to get things done!

Robert Sabourin, Inc
Behavior Specification for Testing Embedded Systems

A behavior specification is a valuable engineering artifact for the design, review, and testing of embedded software. It is a black-box model defining all interactions between system and environment and the conditional state-based causal relationships among them. Based on work by IEEE working group P1175, Dwayne Knirk describes a new reference model for specifying the behavior of computing systems. An embedded software control application is used to illustrate the application of this model. Dwayne provides an overview of the application and shows specification examples from the requirements document. He focuses on how the specification was initially developed, analyzed for completeness and consistency, used for generating test cases, and valued by the entire development and test team throughout the project.

Dwayne Knirk, Sandia National Laboratories
Outsourcing Testing: Is it Worth The Headaches?

Although offshoring is becoming a business necessity, we've all heard the nightmare scenario. A company wants to save money by using lower-priced engineers in foreign locales for testing projects, but the quality and management problems are so extreme that the company winds up wishing it had just kept the testing in house. Alym Rayani shares the concrete steps you can take to ensure a good outsourcing experience: determining what should be outsourced, selecting a vendor, handling relations between cultures and leaders, and much more. Find out about the critical project management skills, technical infrastructure, and over-site responsibilities that you will need to develop and maintain internally. Learn how to take these crucial steps and keep the migraines at bay.

Alym Rayani, Symbio


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