Testing Strategy Changes for eBusiness Applications The U.S. market for eBusiness software and services is expected to grow from $25 billion in 1998 to $104 billion in 2003. Delivering quality Web applications that meet your business needs the day they are implemented has become a critical challenge for IT managers. As business critical applications become more complex, so has the testing process. Learn how the complexity of the architecture and rapid application development has caused testing to require a redefined strategy, revised approach, tools, and trained/experienced resources.
Jeff Tatelman, Interim Technology Consulting
Common Pitfalls of Test Automation (And How to Avoid Them) Organizations often fall prey to the same common myths and errors when automating their testing efforts. This presentation provides insight into these myths and errors and suggests solutions. Learn the importance of a solid test plan-especially when automating tests. Examine commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) test automation products and guidelines that can assist your organization in its test automation efforts.
Robert Crews, CorTechs, Inc.
Applying Structured Testing in the Unstructured World of a Start-Up How do you implement effective testing in the rapidly changing world of a start-up company developing a Web application? This presentation explores the issues and dynamics of testing a moving target within impossible deadlines, including methods and practices for building quality and structure despite the constraints. Learn how to evolve the development process and establish effective communication between the development and testing groups.
Efi Goldfarb, TopTier
Automating Tests on Embedded and POS Systems and Other Non-Standard Programmable Devices This presentation explains how it is possible and why it is desirable to automate tests against virtually any system that uses serial and digital communications to integrate various devices for some business purpose, such as point-of-sale (POS) or high-tech medical devices. Learn the main challenges of configuring an automated test environment for embedded and POS systems. Discover opportunities such testing provides the Automated Testing Specialist.
Bob Calco, CorTechs, Inc.
Test Management Boot Camp 101 Although management supervision is a critical factor to a test program's success, it is often entrusted to people with minimal experience and training in these areas. Based on the real-life experience of a fifteen year veteran, this presentation is a crash course in the keys to successful test team supervision and management. Discover how to jump start your test management career and improve your chances of success.
Jon Hagar, Lockheed Martin Astronautics Company
STAREAST 2000: Confessions of a (Recovering) Coding Cowboy The battle lines are drawn, it seems, between programmers and testers. Do you wonder what makes some programmers so opposed to process control? Why do programmers seem to resent testers? And, more importantly, what can we do to bridge the gap? Learn how to identify different types of developer personalities and development styles and deal with them to your advantage. Susan Joslyn explores ways to inspire quality (recovery) in coding cowboys while minimizing clashes. Discover your own twelve step program to recovery in your relationships with your developers!
Susan Joslyn, SJ+ Systems Associates, Inc.
The Tester's Triad: Bug, Product, User Good testing does not come naturally to everyone. For these individuals, the best option is to look closely at really good testers and observe what often seems to come easily and unconsciously to them. Brian Marick explores how good testers make effective and efficient use of three sources of information: past bugs and their fixes; informal descriptions of the product architecture; and characterizations of the end user. Learn how good testers gather this information, and what they do with it once they have it.
Brian Marick, Testing Foundations
An Application Program Interface (API) Testing Method Discover a technique to test APIs that combines aspects of two published software testing methods: Markov modeling and category partitioning. An example is given that demonstrates this hybrid technique. Two case studies-one performed under laboratory conditions as proof-of-concept and the other on a large API-illustrate this technique's effectiveness.
Alan Jorgensen, Advanced Engineering Technology
Best Practices in Testing an Enterprise Class E-Commerce Application With nearly two hundred million people surfing the net worldwide, businesses engaged in e-commerce must use sophisticated testing techniques to guarantee the optimal user experience. If your site crashes, the downtime will cost you more than dollars! Based on Nationwide Insurance systems' best practices, this presentation will cover the entire project lifecycle of testing an enterprise class e-commerce application.
Jennifer Cuenot, Nationwide Insurance Systems
Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Testing The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has become the industry's standard for capturing software architectures and elaborating system design. This presentation provides an overview of the UML from a tester's perspective. Learn how UML represents software design, including key diagrams. Discover when these diagrams are appropriate, what information can be derived from them, and what types of software can be represented. Explore ways to use UML to facilitate communication among testers, developers, and analysts in your organization.
Sam Guckenheimer, Rational Software