Conference Presentations

Measuring the Effectiveness of Automated Functional Testing

Many struggle to accurately judge the value, success, and return on investment of test automation. In this session, Ross Collard helps you identify which areas and aspects of testing-both manual and automated-provide fruitful opportunities for improvement. You'll have the opportunity to compare the effectiveness of your organization's test automation with industry norms and best practices. You'll also see how other organizations gather, interpret, and apply these metrics. Find out what's worked and what hasn't.

Ross Collard, Collard & Company
Deliver Reliable Applications Faster With the Right Tools and Processes

Repeated attempts to decrease software time-to-market have borne a variety of processes and methodologies, resulting in dynamic development and testing environments that continue to ignore quality issues as well as budget constraints. To gain control of your project costs while still ensuring your application's quality, the use of automated software tools must extend beyond that of any single process. Dave Kapelanski teaches you to leverage test automation software within each of the four lifecycle quadrants: development and integration, testing, production readiness, and performance and transaction availability management.

Dave Kapelanski, Compuware Corporation
Software Test Automation Spring 2002: Test Automation on a Shoestring: Doing More with Less

Want to automate your tests but don't have the budget for big-league tools? Elisabeth Hendrickson offers case studies where test automation was accomplished with simple tools for small budgets. She delivers practical advice for creating the automation you need from the tools you already have or can easily get your hands on. Fact is, everything you need to get started is probably right in your "kitchen drawer."

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
Lessons Learned in Test Automation

Can test automation really advance your testing mission? The answer to that question is a resounding "That depends!" But to make it happen you have to provide value to development and find new ways of testing. Bret Pettichord offers lessons from the the trenches in building powerful test suites. He shares his experiences as well as those of other test automators to help you avoid the pitfalls others have already stumbled onto.

Bret Pettichord, Pettichord Consulting
The Past, Present, and Future of Software Test Automation Tools

Gregory Pope examines the past, present, and future of software testing tools. By contrasting the best thinking of ten years ago with what's happening today, he brings a clear and unique perspective to what the future might hold. Greg also provides insight into the successes and failures of once-promising tools. Using the historical factors that make test automation successful, he demonstrates how to pick tools that will be successful now and in the future.

Gregory Pope, Gregory Pope Consulting
Taking Test Automation Mainstream

By now, most test organizations have implemented at least one test automation tool. However, the success of these tools is by no means guaranteed. Why is it that these products often fail to meet their potential? What can managers do to increase the tool's return on investment? Andrew Pollnew helps you with ways to ensure that tools support rather than hinder you. He discusses a number of common-but-flawed approaches to automation, then explains how to change them.

Andrew Pollner, ALP International Corporation
Performance: The Overlooked Quality Metric

The amount of time allocated to quality testing is always under pressure due to slippage in development and delivery dates-this often results in performance testing being overlooked in the quality process. This presentation examines various factors of performance testing including why it's important, how to determine the metrics that are essential to individual situations, and how to automate the collection and analysis of data. Ernest Huber gives you an example performance testing process, much of which is applicable to your quality assurance tasks.

Ernest Huber, TCI Solutions, Inc.
Software Test Automation Spring 2002: Test Automation With Action Words: A Practical Experience

Action Word Testing. This concept illuminates testing as an action, a process, an art. Learn how Action Word Testing can be applied to deal with critical test issues such as lack of functional knowledge of a system under test; instability of the design during test development; and automation of 100% of the functional or technical tests. Hans Buwalda uses a financial exchange that's introduced a new electronic trading system to demonstrate Action Word Testing (approximately 15,000 tests). In this example, automation of the entire test was essential, but it was difficult to achieve.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear
A Practical Approach to Early-Cycle QA Test Automation

Everyone knows that a large body of automated unit tests for classes, subsystems, and frameworks adds to overall code quality. However, the "burden" of unit test automation is frequently placed squarely on the shoulders of developers because of the perception that only a developer can write a unit test. Since QA personnel typically test from the user interface-and usually have to wait until later in the development cycle for the availability of that interface-they're often left to scramble at the end of the cycle to get their testing done. Michael Silverstein reveals a model for early-cycle collaboration between developers and testers where testers augment the developers' unit testing activities without adding additional process overhead.

Michael Silverstein, SilverMark, Inc.
Effective Test Automation and Deployment Strategy for Java Servlet and JSP Applications

Recent advances in Java servlet and JSP technology have gained popularity and support from the industry. The backbone of this technology is the J2EE platform and Model 2 JSP architecture which effectively separate presentation from content. However, since this design includes a wide spectrum of technical areas, developing and automating JSP test applications is a challenge for many test professionals. This presentation teaches you to employ and modify a logic to build a customized performance testing tool for any JSP application, including the successful deployment of the application into the servlet container. Heesun Park also gives you practical tips for JSP application deployment strategy.

Heesun Park, SAS Institute


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