Better Software Magazine Articles

Inside the Mind of an Exploratory Tester

Among the hardest things to explain is something that everyone already knows. We all know how to listen, how to read, how to think, and how to tell anecdotes about the events in our lives. As adults, we do these things every day. Yet the level possessed by the average person of any of these skills may not be adequate for certain special situations.Exploratory tester James Bach describes eight key skills that expert explorers possess, and how you can develop them too.

James Bach's picture James Bach
Testing A Complex Multi-Media System wiht Action Words

Testing games is in many ways similar to testing many complex, multi-media applications. In this hands-on presentation, Hans Buwalda demonstrates practical ways to automatically test a game using an intelligent, model-driven robot. Learn a straightforward technique using action words that you can apply in a wide variety of complex testing situations. The only technology you need to get started is an everyday spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. Find out how combining a simple model of your application with the action word approach can measurably improve your testing.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear Corporation
What You Need to Know About Testing Web Services

With Web services touted as revolutionary technology for eBusiness, many companies are beginning to add this dynamic element to their internal and external Web applications. If your company is deploying Web services, you need a new test plan for your application. Rather than the usual independent tester approach, testing Web services requires a cross-functional team of developers, testers, and performance engineers in an interactive, iterative development and testing cycle. Learn what to ask and when to ask it before you roll-out your first application using Web Services.

Deb Kablotsky, RadView Software Inc
Automate the Right Things First

Not every test automation project should be done and not all deserve the highest priority. You need a repeatable process that you can use to filter requests to automate tests. Find out how to assess effort, impact, likelihood of success to select the right projects for automating. Learn to use risk management techniques to refine the process, and begin assigning criteria and ranking every suggested automation project. With this process in place, you’ll choose the right project to do now and the right one to do next.

Lance Griter, McKesson Corporation
From Zero to Production

It is a daunting task to create a test organization from scratch. You have to obtain buy-in from key stakeholders, recruit the test team, develop their skills, build trust with the project members, and show the value of testing. George Toney shares his challenges and successes as he went through this difficult but rewarding experience at LexisNexis Group. From a mission statement at the beginning to post-implementation follow-up, discover how to build your new test team or improve the one you have.

George Toney, LexisNexis
Confessions of a Modeling Bigot

Migrating a testing infrastructure from data-driven test automation to a model-driven test architecture, including the need to maintain backward compatibility was a huge challenge for Michael Corning and his groupx0151but a very rewarding one. The test group manages three modeling tools supporting both state-based and grammar-based modeling techniques. Modeling became important and ultimately indispensable not only for product testing but for the test infrastructure development as well. The results can be programs that are self-documenting and virtually self-testing.

Michael Corning, Microsoft Corporation
A Test Strategy For Web Services

What are Web services and why should you care? Web services offer companies the opportunity to deliver applications that are not feasible with traditional approaches. Learn how businesses are using Web services today and how they interact in the network. Alan Newman provides a customized test methodology for applications employing Web services functionality. Take away a new awareness of the challenges for testing this technology and a strategy for defining the scope of testing Web services.

Alan Newman, Spirent Communications
Attacking GUI Test Automation Maintaince Headaches

GUI-centric automation scripting is a major cause of the high costs and failed test automation efforts. These scripts may work fine for one release, but quickly break down when the GUI changes, triggering huge maintenance efforts resulting in ultimate failure. Based on the successes at CISCO, Jeff Feldstein discusses the ways they have mitigated these problems with: back-end testing without the GUI; using appropriate manual testing; simulating browsers with HTTP proxy software; and many more tricks-of-the-trade.

Jeff Feldstein, Cisco Systems Inc
Building An Enterprise Test Lab

An enterprise test lab provides a stable, independent testing environment that leverages your investment in equipment, software, and people. These labs are often built without an analysis of the architecture needed for an effective test lab. Learn how to build or improve your enterprise test lab and make it more adaptable without large investments in time or materials. With an enterprise test lab in place, you can improve the reliability of the end-to-end user experience in production and reduce overall costs at the same time.

Alan Forand, EDS
Testing Dynamic Web Applications With Usage Models

Markov chain usage models provide significant automation capabilities, including test case generation, test execution, and result analysis. Kirk Sayre presents a real-world case study describing how Markov chain testing techniques were applied to the testing of dynamic Web applications. Learn how Markov chain models are used to generate random and non-random test and provide you with reliability and risk estimation information. Use this technique for load and performance testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.

Kirk Sayre, The University of Tennessee


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