Load and Scalability Testing: Automation Issues and Solutions This paper discusses how to assess system performance, response time and throughput, how to test the ability of a system and its supporting infrastructure to handle loads and stresses, how to test system robustness and the capability to recover from errors, how to test systems for scalability, and how to automate performance, load, stress, and robustness testing.
Ross Collard, Collard and Company
Software Test Automation Fall 2003: Test Automation on a Shoestring Shoestring automation can help your team identify viable solutions that are available at the lowest possible price. It's also important to know what commercial tools are available for use and understand when you're better off using them. This paper provides a list of guidelines to use to help you decide if this approach is right for your project.
Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
State of the Practice in Application Development: A Basis for Benchmarking This presentation explains why knowing broad industry trends regarding application development is not enough to ensure a successful project. AD should be tightly bound to businesses. Existing measures need to be reviewed and service levels for usefulness in measuring attainment of goals that directly support each line of business need to be considered. Read on as the author details these and other important points.
Robert Solon, Gartner Inc
A Look at Mercury Interactive's WinRunner In this edition of "Tool Look," Chris Meisezahl takes a look at Mercury Interactive's WinRunner.
A Rush to Judgement If you find an article grating on you, if you think the author is clearly wrong-headed, I suggest you read it differently than you probably read most articles. Explicitly separate what the author implies you should believe from the actions she describes. Focus on her specific results and the actions that led to them. How, in your style of work could you adapt the author's actions to get your results? In this edition of Technically Speaking, Brian Marick explores this possibilty.
Eliminating Automation Overhead Overhead code is code that is necessary for carrying out the operations of an automated test, but obscures the test's point. Find out how using interface layers can lead to greater efficiency and easier maintenance.
Orchestrating Integration Testing Verifying the operation of a complex software system can be a daunting task. Here is a systematic approach to the job. This article details six steps for testing duct-taped programs.
Leveraging Inspections You can improve your inspection process, moving from 50 percent to as much as 90 percent defect removal before entering test. Learn how to record and analyze the right data.
Reducing Organization Stress and Strain: Tools for Aligning Technology and Business This article will help your team understand the difference between internal and external quality criteria. Also detailed are tool descriptions you can use in your alignment toolbox.
Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
The Importance of Discovery: Step One in Managing Web Development Projects Web based projects don't always get treated like software
development projects. Why? Because creative design frequently drives them. It's important to develop your Web project using the same best practices that are used in software development projects.
Seth Miller, Miller Systems, Inc.