Conference Presentations

Automation Opportunities: Finding the Sweet Spot in Your Project

In any test automation effort, there are "sweet spots," points of leverage where you get more for your automation efforts. Knowing how to find that sweet spot helps you determine how to spend your limited time and resources to your best advantage. In this presentation, Elisabeth Hendrickson explores various ways to find the sweet spots in your project. She uses real-world examples of sweet spots from past projects to illustrate.

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Consulting, Inc.
Seven Steps to Test Automation Success

Test automation raises our hopes yet often frustrates and disappoints us. Although automation promises to deliver us from a tough situation, automating implemented tests can create as many problems as it solves. The key is to follow the rules of software development when automating testing. Bret Pettichord presents seven key steps: improve the testing process, define requirements, prove the concept, champion product testability, design for sustainability, plan for deployment, and face the challenges of success. Follow these steps as you staff, tool, or schedule your test automation project, and you will be well on your way to success!

Bret Pettichord, Tivoli Systems
Why Software Fails (And How Testers Can Exploit It)

Testers know all too well that software fails. If we can understand the fundamental reasons why this happens, we can become more efficient and effective at finding bugs. James Whittaker explains the reasons why software fails and demonstrates how this knowledge can be used to break real software. The technology described has emerged from three years of contract testing at Florida Tech in which teams of students test (and break) post-release commercial software. Learn how to overrun buffers, cause memory violations, force incorrect results to be computed, and generally wreak havoc on your favorite software applications.

James Whittaker, Florida Institute of Technology
The Influential Test Manager

Many of us have worked in test groups where we felt as if we didn't have enough time, staff, or computer resources to do the work. We may not even know precisely what we need to test. Consequently, we feel that while development may be in control, we certainly are not. Johanna Rothman contends that testers do not have to work this way. Learn effective ways to develop and use your influence within your organization to help your test group-and project-succeed. Discover how to discuss your perspective with your peers and managers and obtain buy-in on your test plans and objectives from the rest of the project team.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Senior Management Asks: Will We Ever Finish Testing?

Based on his testing experiences, Mike Lee illustrates through practical examples the steps taken to dramatically raise the probability of a successful test improvement implementation. Learn how major benefits were achieved in a complex environment with a very limited timeframe through changes in test strategy, administration support, agreement of ownership, and the establishment of basic metrics. Then, you too can answer senior management's question.

Mike Lee, CPT Consulting
Using the ICED T Model to Test Subjective Software Qualities

Since the subjective aspects of software quality do not lend themselves to being put into numbers or graphs, they are often overlooked. Using a model referred to as "ICED T," Andy Roth discusses what these subjective aspects are, why they are important, and how to test for them. New testers and seasoned veterans alike can use this model to gain a broader perspective of software quality.

Andy Roth, Rational Software
Using the Tools You Already Have for Testing

This presentation identifies ways to use available or inexpensive tools to develop test scripts, organize test data, and produce test reports. Discover why word processors are not the best tools for test scripts and how spreadsheets can enhance test scripts and automate test execution. Learn to use your best tools early: your eyes and your brain!

Robyn Brilliant, Fannie Mae
STARWEST 1999: Test Estimation

How often have you been asked the question, "When will system testing be completed?" without knowing the final scope of the functionality, when the system will be ready for testing, and what test resources are available. In this double-track session, learn how to develop realistic and credible estimates. Learn why accurate estimates are a critical survival skill for test professionals and managers.

Ross Collard, Collard & Company
Finite State Model-Based Testing on a Shoestring

Are you concerned because your automated tests have stopped finding bugs? Are you tired of fragile test sequences that break whenever the application changes? If so, model-based testing has some answers for you. Rather than forcing you to craft individual tests, model-based testing allows you to generate tests automatically from a finite state model of the application. Learn how to implement model-based testing inexpensively by using a simple test language tool such as Visual Test.

Harry Robinson, Microsoft Corporation
Implementing a High Performance Development/Test Process Model

Explore how SynQuest implemented an evolutionary three-stage process of forming high performance teams who integrate test and quality throughout the product development process. Review real-life examples of methodologies and processes used to reduce defects in the development and test process, and learn how to implement a step-by-step process to achieve similar results within your organization.

Lisa Fobare, SynQuest, Inc.


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