Conference Presentations

Collocated East Logo Transform Organizational Culture for DevOps Success

An organization’s ability to adopt a DevOps approach for software delivery often hinges on a cultural transformation that may be more difficult than technology issues. The keys to success are change supported from the top down, combined with people on the front line who are willing to...

Al Wagner
Collocated East Logo The Lean Agile Portfolio

Agile practices continue to improve as organizations move forward with adoption and adaption. However, as they move forward, they often run into daunting challenges—coordinating projects with highly complex requirements and interdependencies; navigating highly political environments...

Jamie Mades
Collocated East Logo Agile Requirements—From Breadth to Depth

Requirements elicitation and documentation can be frustrating in an agile process. Some interpret the Agile Manifesto statement “working software over comprehensive documentation” to mean that no requirements documentation is warranted because the code documents the requirements. Others...

Ken Pugh
Collocated East Logo Scaling Agile: Remembering Tolstoy’s Unhappy Family Analogy

While Agile has become mainstream at the team level with much research and practical experience, scaling agile to the enterprise is a topic of increasing interest and practice—with some successes and some spectacular failures. As Tolstoy wrote, “Happy families are all alike; each unhappy...

Mariya Breyter
Collocated East Logo Step-by-Step Guide to Leading a Large-Scale Agile Transformation

A few years ago everyone wanted to know how to convince their executives to go agile. Today, executives are asking their teams how they'll make the transformation. We have made significant progress changing the hearts and minds of senior leadership, but executives now demand a greater...

Mike Cottmeyer
Collocated East Logo Don't Ask "Can You Hear Me Now?" Start Listening Instead

Most of us believe we are good listeners. However, we often overestimate this skill and are hard-wired to short change it by making assumptions, providing answers, and jumping in when we think we know what people are trying to say. In doing so, we rob ourselves of the chance to encourage...

Judith Mills
Collocated East Logo Enable Your Workers … You’ll Be Amazed What They Can Do

It’s as true today as it was in 1986 when W. Edwards Deming published Out of the Crisis and wrote, “Remove barriers that rob people … of their right to pride of workmanship.” Companies everywhere implement processes, hire staff, and install tools to help them meet their business objectives.

Bob Jarvis
Collocated East Logo Teamwork Tools: Movement Games for Collaboration and Creativity

Are you looking for new ways to invigorate your teams? Do retrospectives seem stale? Do story breakdown meetings feel flat? On the other hand, maybe your teams are humming and you’re looking for additional variety. The research is clear—movement matters, and play stimulates creativity. 

Andrew Smith
STARCanada Logo Performance Testing in Agile and DevOps Environments

As organizations embrace agile and DevOps delivery models, non-functional performance testing becomes a challenge. While functional validation continues to mature in Agile, many organizations are either struggling to integrate application performance into the delivery model or are...

Syed Hossain
STARCanada Logo Sensible Test Automation

Your boss has given you the directive to “automate everything.” So, what’s behind this? Is he expecting to reduce costs? Implement the latest silver-bullet tool that will save the company? Increase test coverage to avoid future embarrassment? How should you respond? Jerry Penner shows how...

Jerry Penner


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