Conference Presentations

Go Test Yourself: A Self-Testing Automation Pattern

Today even the simplest applications are built with numerous technologies, creating an ever-expanding need for tests. If you’ve built an automation framework and a suite of tests, Prakash Karaka says you are off to a good start. However, as your application changes expand, you are required...

Prakash Karaka
The Four V’s of Big Data Testing: Variety, Volume, Velocity, and Veracity

The expression “garbage, garbage out” emphasizes the need for thorough testing in any Big Data and analytics implementation. Big Data testing means ensuring the correctness and completeness of voluminous, often heterogeneous, data as it moves across different stages—ingestion, storage...

Jaya Bhagavathi Bhallamudi
Adaptive Automation: Tests that Recover Instead of Failing

Are you tired of flaky automation scripts that fail without apparent cause? Are most script failures due to bugs in the test script rather than bugs in the product? Do you simply want to get more out of your automation framework? Many testers and organizations are frustrated with the high...

Scott Miles
T-Shaped People: Time to Get in Shape for Your Testing Future

Today, agile testers are being asked to do a lot more than just testing. The notion of “T-shaped people,” who combine technical skills with collaborative capabilities, was created by Tim Brown in the 1990s to describe the new breed of worker. Mary Thorn believes that anyone—including...

Mary Thorn
Transform Your Cloud Validation Strategy from Cloudy to Clear

Security, data privacy, reliability, and regulatory compliance are critical factors when evaluating whether to move business applications from in-house, client-hosted environments to a cloud platform. Quality assurance plays a vital role in ensuring that the appropriate level of risk...

Vandana Viswanathan
The Path to Test Leadership: A Road Less Traveled

Are you interested in growing into a test leadership position? Or do you shy away from leadership because you think you’ll lose your technical, hands-on testing skills? Regardless of your experience level, technical programming knowledge, and company organizational structure, following...

Tariq King
Agile Testing for Embedded and IoT Software Development

Much of the success of agile adoptions is due to the automated testing approach used in agile projects. Because many of these techniques were pioneered in the development of web applications, it can be difficult to see how these techniques can be leveraged for a project where software is...

Thomas Stiehm
Nonfunctional Testing: Examine the Other Side of the Coin

Creating a highly available, scalable, and high-performing system requires a substantial amount of what we call nonfunctional testing. Developing nonfunctional testing skills is a must for many of today’s quality engineers (QEs). For the past several years, Balaji Arunachalam’s quality...

Balaji Arunachalam
Agile Testing at Etsy: How and Why It Works

Growing team skill sets, resource management, pipeline management, career development, career definition, scaling issues, and optimizing efficiencies are just a few of the problems agile QA test teams face. If you have asked yourself How can I do more with less?, How can I increase the...

Arylee McSweaney
Testing the Magic at Walt Disney Imagineering

It takes more than faith, trust, and pixie dust to test a Disney theme park attraction. How does Walt Disney Imagineering ensure quality experiences for their guests? Janna Loeffler faced this challenge when she joined Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI). Since 2015 Janna has led the testing...

Janna Loeffler


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