
Naga Jayadev Accelerate Testing and Development with Continuous Delivery: An Interview with Naga Jayadev

In this interview, Naga Jayadev of CA Technologies digs into continuous delivery, continuous testing, DevOps, and virtualization. He explains what he does at CA Technologies, the trends when it comes to testing, and the value of velocity within your development lifecycle.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Collocated East Logo Step-by-Step Guide to Leading a Large-Scale Agile Transformation

A few years ago everyone wanted to know how to convince their executives to go agile. Today, executives are asking their teams how they'll make the transformation. We have made significant progress changing the hearts and minds of senior leadership, but executives now demand a greater...

Mike Cottmeyer
Collocated East Logo Don't Ask "Can You Hear Me Now?" Start Listening Instead

Most of us believe we are good listeners. However, we often overestimate this skill and are hard-wired to short change it by making assumptions, providing answers, and jumping in when we think we know what people are trying to say. In doing so, we rob ourselves of the chance to encourage...

Judith Mills
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It’s as true today as it was in 1986 when W. Edwards Deming published Out of the Crisis and wrote, “Remove barriers that rob people … of their right to pride of workmanship.” Companies everywhere implement processes, hire staff, and install tools to help them meet their business objectives.

Bob Jarvis
Collocated East Logo Teamwork Tools: Movement Games for Collaboration and Creativity

Are you looking for new ways to invigorate your teams? Do retrospectives seem stale? Do story breakdown meetings feel flat? On the other hand, maybe your teams are humming and you’re looking for additional variety. The research is clear—movement matters, and play stimulates creativity. 

Andrew Smith
Collocated East Logo Lead Teams that Deliver the Goods

In software development—and in many life activities—success often depends on how well we collaborate with our team and our stakeholders. Yet getting a group of people to truly work in partnership—let alone self-organize—is a daunting challenge. And we’re often left with lingering...

Andy Kaufman
Collocated East Logo Your Agile Team Needs a Therapist

Imagine you’re on an agile development team—and something feels weird. People disagree constantly, and when they finally do agree, no one commits to deliver the solution. Vocal team members dominate the conversation. You don’t trust your teammates. They don’t trust you. This isn’t a team.

Robb Pieper
Collocated East Logo Build Fail-Proof Tests in Any Browser with Selenium

What happens when you have thousands of tests that run beautifully in Chrome but many of them fail in Internet Explorer? Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common for testers and remains a major sore point for teams tasked with getting software to work in any browser. Kevin Berg...

Kevin Berg
Collocated East Logo DevOps Is More than Dev and Ops: It’s about Tearing Down Walls

The word DevOps is quickly becoming the new Agile—an overused word that has lost its meaning. Cutting through the jargon, Lee Eason gets to the heart of what DevOps means, where it came from, and why it is crucial for your company to embrace it. If you want to deliver on the promise of...

Lee Eason
Collocated East Logo Them’s the Rules: Using a Rules Engine to Wrangle Complexity

When dealing with complicated and ever-growing program conditions brought on by new business requirements, it's easy for what was once a small conditional block of code to grow to evaluating hundreds of unique conditions. Unfortunately, much like kudzu, that bad practice begins to creep...

Micah Breedlove


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