Conference Presentations

Collocated West Logo How Far Can You Go with Agile for Embedded Software?

With the proliferation of IoT and consumer demand for smarter homes, appliances, automobiles, and wearables, many traditional product-based manufacturing companies are now becoming embedded software companies. This means that the design and manufacturing of physical products is becoming...

Anders Wallgren
Collocated West Logo Agile Metrics: Measuring Outcomes and Results

When organizations move to agile approaches, two very common metric anti-patterns surface: (1) The organization doesn’t change its metrics at all and simply continues to measure as they always have; or (2) The organization throws out every metric and just focuses on velocity and trying to...

Bob Galen
Collocated West Logo Where Is Test in DevOps?

As organizations try to meet faster delivery schedules and improve collaboration between development and operations, DevOps has become a hot topic. So, where does testing fit into a DevOps strategy? By narrowly focusing on just Dev and Ops, the term DevOps itself ends up missing testing.

Nikhil Kaul
Collocated West Logo Project Estimation: Myths, Taboos, and Inconvenient Truths

Too many of us continue to suffer through schedule-driven crunch mode and cost overruns. We all know the usual suspects, including bad estimates and changing requirements. But what if we set aside myths and embraced reality? Estimates are uncertain, but that doesn’t make them bad—only...

Robert Merrill
Collocated West Logo Playwriting, Imagination, and Agile Software Development … Oh My!

Agile practitioners are constantly striving to improve their processes and delivery to gain a competitive edge. To become a cross-functional T-shaped rock star, you have to be open to learning from other disciplines and adapting quickly. Tania Katan knows a little about crossing...

Tania Katan
Collocated West Logo Product Management: The Innovation Glue for the Lean Enterprise

At a time when organizations of all sizes both want and need innovation, exciting approaches including lean startup and agile development have risen to the forefront. Although there is no shortage of resources and expertise on these approaches, less guidance is available on the daunting...

Mimi Hoang and George Schlitz
Collocated West Logo Use Feature Flags for Clean Deployments

Software teams want to move faster and deliver features to end users sooner. Continuous delivery and DevOps promise to deploy quickly. However, pushing faster and deploying more often increase the risk of breaking—and subsequent downtime. Edith Harbaugh finds that a feature flagging system...

Edith Harbaugh
Collocated West Logo Team Leadership Is Like Big Band Drumming

Sometimes we get a little stuck. It does happen. Work is at the same place, with the same people, and the same problems. The fresh perspective we seek is overcome by everyday demands and eludes us once again. John Ryskowski says that one path to a fresh perspective is to experience...

John Ryskowski
Collocated West Logo Continuous Discovery: The Path to Learning and Growing

Software development is a process of continuous discovery. When writing software, we create ideas, we try them in code, we learn what works and what doesn’t—and that steers us to a better solution. And sometimes we do this all day long! Woody Zuill says that this same process of continuous...

Woody Zuill
Collocated West Logo The Power of an Agile Mindset

Linda Rising, co-author of Fearless Change and the recently published More Fearless Change, has wondered for some time whether much of Agile's success has been the result of the placebo effect—that is, good things happened because we believed they would. The placebo effect is a startling...

Linda Rising


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