Conference Presentations

Collocated West Logo White Box Testing: It’s Not Just for Developers Any More

Software development has improved dramatically over the past several years due in part to techniques, approaches, and development environments that take advantage of the power of modern computing machines. Software testing techniques have, by comparison, lagged. As projects and teams...

Robert Vanderwall
Collocated West Logo The Lean Executive Agility Framework

In today’s business environment, organizations cannot afford to resist change and move slowly. They have to move quickly, adapt frequently, and turn on a dime when conditions demand it. This is not always easy to do. Organizations of all shapes and sizes can become rooted in habits and...

Jon Stahl
Collocated West Logo Create Brainstorming Commandos for Creative Problem Solving

Agile teams are solving real-world complex problems every day. These problems require creative problem solving by team members. In its truest sense, brainstorming is intended to be a practical approach to this task. Brainstorming entails “using the brain to storm a creative problem and...

Pradeepa Narayanaswamy
Collocated West Logo Command Query Responsibility Segregation at Enterprise Scale

As organizations grow, they find themselves looking for opportunities to enhance the rate at which features can be delivered while minimizing negative business impact. Carlyle Davis believes that we are responsible for creating an system environment that provides simplicity and resiliency...

Carlyle Davis
Collocated West Logo Docker Containers in the Enterprise DevOps Journey

As technology moves from being a cost-center to a revenue generator in nearly every business, technologists are expected to deliver more with fewer resources. DevOps enables this efficiency through improved collaboration between product management, development, release management, quality...

Aater Suleman
Collocated West Logo Determining Business Value in Agile Development

Both agile and lean focus on delivering business value to the customers as rapidly as possible. On agile projects, story points are often used to estimate and track development effort for user stories. However, to concentrate on delivering value, we must be able to place a business value...

Ken Pugh
STAREast Logo Continuous Integration Testing Techniques to Improve Chef Cookbook Quality

Chef, Puppet, and other tools that implement “infrastructure as code” are great for configuration management and automated deployments, but it is difficult to test these infrastructure scripts before putting them into production. Since infrastructure as code is a relatively new...

Glenn Buckholz
STAREast Logo Defect Metrics for Organization and Project Health

Are you looking for a simple, meaningful approach to gather and report defect metrics? Want to make your project defects more visible? Wondering how to report defects to management and show value? With an ever increasing demand to show the business value of your testing, David Bialek...

David Bialek
STAREast Logo Uncover Untold Stories in Your Data: A Deep Dive on Data Profiling

How well do you know your data? Organizations are discovering the value in their data—as evidence of what they have done and a clue to how they can improve the bottom line. With the increase in analytics, it is no secret that there are more eyes on the data. And analyzing data can give...

Catherine Cruz Agosto
STAREast Logo Anti-Patterns for Automated Testing

Patterns—proven, repeatable solutions to common situations that occur again and again—are commonly used in development and to a lesser extent in testing. In addition to patterns, various anti-patterns have been discovered. These are common responses to recurring problems that, while...

Hans Buwalda


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