Developing a Rugged DevOps Approach to Cloud Security
Your operational tools deliver continuous monitoring and alerting for applications deployed in the cloud. So why doesn’t your security suite do the same? Although no single path to a secure DevOps approach works for every organization, Tim Prendergast offers a set of key principles and...
John Martinez
Your User Stories Are Too Big: Yes, They Are!
When a user story is too big, it is harder to understand, estimate, and implement successfully. Some teams break the “business story” into “technical stories” but this generally doesn’t help because most or all of the technical stories need to be completed before there is anything...
Chris Sims
Implementing Agile in an FDA Regulated Environment
Developing medical devices that are subject to FDA approval has traditionally followed the waterfall methodology, largely due to the structure of the regulations that govern development practices. But we know from myriad case studies in different industries that agile methodologies are far...
Neal Herman
A Case Study in Metrics-Driven DevOps
It seems impossible for a DevOps team to even attempt planning its work. The team deals with customers’ never-ending requests and constantly-changing priorities. And don’t forget those unfriendly infrastructure errors that always seem to show up at the worst possible time. Best to live...
Ben Vining
From Unclear and Unrealistic Requirements to Achievable User Stories
"What do you want the system to do?" can be a loaded question for agile teams. Ideally, the product owner gives you a product backlog with fully groomed user stories prioritized by business value, ready for team discussion and estimation. Instead, you may have the “big picture” product...
Jamie Lynn Cooke
Apply Phil Jackson’s Coaching Principles to Build Better Agile Teams
Often referred to as the “Zen Master” for his unorthodox coaching style, professional basketball coach Phil Jackson won more professional sports championships than any other coach in history. Jackson led the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers to a total of eleven NBA championships, but...
Dion Stewart
Move Your Selenium Testing to the Cloud
What is the most challenging aspect of running automation tests? Anshul Sharma believes it is covering multiple browsers and cross-device testing combined with faster execution of tests. One way to do this is parallel execution of tests concurrently over a Selenium Grid, but that comes...
Anshul Sharma
Which Agile Scaling Framework Is Best?
Choice can be a wonderful thing—when you’re buying a car and research abounds to help you decide. But when selecting the best agile scaling framework for your organization, choice can be downright intimidating and costly. SAFe, Scrum of Scrums, DAD, LeSS, or SSwS? There is a lot at stake.
Tom Weinberger
Slay the Dragons of Agile Measurement
Some consider measurement in agile development destructive—or at the very least useless. Larry Maccherone disagrees and offers eight tools to slay the dragons of agile measurement. The #1 Dragon slayer—Use measurement for feedback rather than as a lever. What's the difference? Feedback is...
Larry Maccherone
Going Agile at Scale: A Mindset Transformation of Global Proportions
How do you successfully transform 700 people working on one product? The answer: Give them ownership. Value people over process. This requires that leaders learn how and when to step back—and when to step up. In the past eight years, the Veritas NetBackup organization had tried three agile...
Julie Urban and Jeff Byron