Conference Presentations

The Internet of Things in Action: Anki’s OVERDRIVE Racing Game

As products like Fitbit, Skylanders, and Anki’s OVERDRIVE race car game pop up all over, developers and testers need to be prepared for the wave of Internet of Things (IoT) products. Focusing on the mobile interactions of these devices and the tools used at Anki, Jane Fraser shows you how...

Jane Fraser
Get Started with Google Fit and Its API

Google has created a service that lets you store and read any health data you want—for free! Like every new API, mystery surrounds how it works, what it can do, and where the opportunities are. Google Fit supports storing activity data such as runs and pushups, nutrition information about...

Luke Wallace
Guerrilla QA: The Mobile of the Internet of All the Things!

There are more than 10 billion devices connected today, and it’s predicted that by decade's end 99 percent of everything manufactured will be connected. And it all flows through the mobile world in some way. As mobile increasingly touches our lives, development teams and testers struggle...

Steven Winter
Build Smarter Mobile Apps with Real-Time Relevance

Personalized mobile user experience is a hot topic today because a smarter app will delight users, keep them coming back, and make your business stand out above the crowd. The extreme version of personalization is real-time contextual and social relevance. According to Jason...

Jason Arbon
Usability vs. Security: Find the Right Balance in Mobile Apps

Successful mobile apps have two key features: a great user experience and the ability to protect users’ data. Balancing user experience and security—a key aspect of product design and engineering—requires a multidisciplinary approach. According to Levent Gurses, a well-balanced app is...

Levent Gurses
Rapid Application Development for Raspberry Pi

The IoT explosion has driven many developers to build systems that work with single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi. Because there are not a lot of tools available for these computers, development work slows down. Today, most developers use Python, which has a steep learning...

Geoff Perlman
Collocated East Logo Rejuvenate Your Scrum Implementation: From Good to Great

After implementing Scrum, some organizations slowly stray away from the basics that made their implementation successful. They loosen up Scrum practices, lose sight of core roles and responsibilities, and succumb to their muscle memory of how things were done before. Teams have little...

Denise Dantzler, Werner Enterprises
Collocated East Logo Detection Theory Applied to Finding and Fixing Defects

Detection theory says: When trying to detect a certain event, a person can correctly report that it happened, miss it, report a false alarm, or correctly report that nothing happened. Under conditions of uncertainty, the decision to report an event is strongly influenced by how likely it...

Ru Cindrea, Altom Consulting
Collocated East Logo Your Agile Prioritization Process Is Probably Wrong

Of course we know what customers want, right? Product owners have the roadmap. Sales teams know what sells. Support talks to customers every day. So if we really know what our customers want, why is 65 percent of all software functionality rarely or never used? Why aren’t our customers...

Tom Gimpel, SofterWare, Inc
Collocated East Logo Now That We're Agile, What's a Manager to Do?

We teach managers to foster agility by encouraging their teams to self-organize, stop assigning work, and telling them how to do it. Since the Product Owner defines the what and the team defines the how, what’s left for managers to do? Managers need to become servant leaders. It’s a key...

David Grabel, Grabel Consulting Services, LLC, and Shyam Kumar, UST-Global


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