Continuous Integration Testing Techniques to Improve Chef Cookbook Quality
Chef, Puppet, and other tools that implement “infrastructure as code” are great for configuration management and automated deployments, but it is difficult to test these infrastructure scripts before putting them into production. Since infrastructure as code is a relatively new...
Glenn Buckholz
Defect Metrics for Organization and Project Health
Are you looking for a simple, meaningful approach to gather and report defect metrics? Want to make your project defects more visible? Wondering how to report defects to management and show value? With an ever increasing demand to show the business value of your testing, David Bialek...
David Bialek
Uncover Untold Stories in Your Data: A Deep Dive on Data Profiling
How well do you know your data? Organizations are discovering the value in their data—as evidence of what they have done and a clue to how they can improve the bottom line. With the increase in analytics, it is no secret that there are more eyes on the data. And analyzing data can give...
Catherine Cruz Agosto
Anti-Patterns for Automated Testing
Patterns—proven, repeatable solutions to common situations that occur again and again—are commonly used in development and to a lesser extent in testing. In addition to patterns, various anti-patterns have been discovered. These are common responses to recurring problems that, while...
Hans Buwalda
Analyze, Diagnose, and Prevent Test Flakiness
Test code development is generally approached with more lenient standards and less scrutiny than production code. As a result, rather than providing valuable feedback on software quality, this can lead to tests that produce inconsistent results and false outcomes. Team productivity is...
Dionny Santiago
Git and GitHub for Testers
GitHub is the repository for the vast majority of today’s open-source software. And that is why many interviewers look at applicants’ public GitHub.com accounts to assess their interests, popularity, helpfulness, and consistency. To collaborate with developers, today’s testers need git and...
Wilson Mar
Open Source Test Automation: Riding the Second Wave
After the first wave of open source test automation tools like Fitnesse and Watir, we are now in a stronger, second wave led by Selenium-based frameworks. This powerful swell, fueled by a major shift toward web-based applications on desktops and mobile devices, is changing how corporations...
David Dang
Ensuring Maximum Quality in the Era of IoT and Wearables
Until recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) was just an idea that techies talked about. Unlike innovations in the past, development and testing of the IoT is significantly more elaborate. After introducing the technology of wearables and IoT, Gauri Arondekar delves into the components and...
Gauri Arondekar
Boost Test Coverage with Automated Visual Testing
Joe Colantonio shares how combining your existing automated tests with scalable automated visual testing can help you dramatically increase coverage, reduce maintenance, and substantially boost test robustness, efficiency, and ROI. Joe includes real-life use cases—automating cross-browser...
Joe Colantonio
Helpful Practices in Agile Testing
“Testing” in an agile environment is much different from classic testing on waterfall projects. Testers must be involved in all aspects of software development. Jeroen Mengerink shows you how professional testers can become key contributors in agile projects. First, he explains how to pair...
Jeroen Mengerink