Conference Presentations

Project Management Tips to Improve Test Planning

When done right, testing is more than test plans, test scripts, and executing tests. In fact a test leader should consider testing a sub-project of the larger development project. By applying the same techniques project managers use to plan and manage the overall project, test leaders can...

Ricki Henry, Clark County Nevada
Leadership for Test Managers and Testers

Many organizations spend a great deal of time and effort acquiring and learning to use the latest techniques and technology, but they make little or no attempt to train or mentor their staff to be better leaders. It is true that technology is important, but test teams without able leaders...

Rick Craig, TechWell Corp.
Using Crowd Testing for a Game Engine

Testing a PC-based game poses interesting challenges. With different OS platforms and many different GPUs, the number of combinations to test grows quickly. The large number of hardware configurations used by the players of EVE Online makes it impossible to test them all. This can lead...

Björgvin Reynisson, CCP Games
Improve Testing with a Zone Defense

At one time or another, every tester hears the dreaded question, “Why didn’t you guys catch these bugs?” We all have some standard responses, and they are most likely true). But what can we learn about our testing when we look beyond the easy answers? Pamela Gillaspie proposes that the...

Pamela Gillaspie, TestPlant
Testing Applications—For the Cloud and in the Cloud

As organizations adopt a DevOps approach to software development, they work to shorten test cycles, begin testing earlier, and test continuously. However, one challenge still remains―the unavailability of complete and realistic production-like test environments. Technologies like service...

Allan Wagner, IBM
The Tester’s Role in Agile Planning

All too often testers passively participate in agile planning. And the results? Important testing activities are missed, late testing becomes a bottleneck, and the benefits of agile development quickly diminish. However, testers can actively advocate customer concerns while helping to...

Rob Sabourin,
From Formal Test Cases to Session-Based Exploratory Testing

Agile software development is exciting, but what happens when your team is entrenched in older methodologies? Even with support from the organization, it is challenging to lead an organization through the transformation. As you start making smaller, more frequent releases, your...

Ron Smith, Intuit
Transform a Manual Testing Process to Incorporate Automation

Although most testing organizations have automation, it’s usually a subset of their overall efforts. Typically the processes for the department have been previously defined, and the automation team must adapt accordingly. The major issue is that test automation work and deliverables do not...

Jim Trentadue, Ranorex
Testing Hyper-Complex Systems: What Can We Know? What Can We Claim?

Throughout history, people have built systems of dramatically increasing complexity. In simpler systems, defects at the micro level are mitigated by the macro level structure. In complex systems, failures at the micro level cannot be compensated for at a higher level, often with...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Testing Mobile App Performance

The mix of ever-smarter mobile devices and the constant connectivity of wireless networks have changed the way users access applications—and the way we develop and test them. Deployed applications deliver different content and functionality depending on whether the user is accessing them...

Brad Stoner, Neotys


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