Conference Presentations

Become an Influential Tester: Learn How to Be Heard

As a tester, are you frustrated that no one listens to you? Are you finding bugs and having them ignored? Are you worried that the development process and product quality aren’t as good as they should be? Jane Fraser shares ways to help you be heard―ways to position yourself as a leader...

Jane Fraser, Anki, Inc.
How We NOW Test Software at Microsoft

In December 2008 when How We Test Software at Microsoft was first published, the software community appreciated the insight into many testing activities and processes popular at Microsoft. Six and a half years later, many companies—including Microsoft—have evolved and changed in a variety...

Alan Page, Microsoft
Automate REST API Testing

As an organization grows, the body of code that needs to be regression tested constantly increases. However, to maintain high velocity and deliver new features, teams need to minimize the amount of manual regression testing. Eric Smith shares his lessons learned in automating RESTful API...

Eric Smith, HomeAdvisor
Building a World-Class Quality Team at eBay

Today, many test methodologies can be used to achieve high quality and productivity ―Agile/Scrum, TDD, data modeling, risk analysis, and personas, just to name a few. So how do you pick the best approaches and techniques for your team and projects? Learn how Steve Hares helped build a...

Steve Hares, eBay
Giving and Receiving Feedback: A New Imperative

Giving and receiving feedback are tough for everyone. Who wants to criticize others or be criticized? Although managers have a duty to give honest feedback to staff and peers, many people resist change or differ on how to change—leading to interpersonal conflicts and impacting...

Omar Bermudez,
STARCANADA 2015: Lightning Strikes the Keynotes

Throughout the years, Lightning Talks have been a popular part of the STAR conferences. If you’re not familiar with the concept, Lightning Talks consists of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period. Lightning Talks are the opportunity for speakers...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Managing Technical Debt

Technical debt is slowing your software development projects. Any developer who has gone beyond version 1 has encountered it. Technical debt takes different forms, has many different origins, and does not always equate to bad code quality. Much of it is incurred due to the passage of...

Philippe Kruchten, Kruchten Engineering Services, Ltd.
Virtualize APIs for Better Application Testing

In today’s interconnected world, APIs are the glue that allows software components, devices, and applications to work together. Unfortunately, many testers don’t have direct access to manipulate the APIs during testing and must rely on either testing the API separately from the application...

Lorinda Brandon, SmartBear Software
Test Automation: Investment Today Pays Back Tomorrow

The results of a recent survey, authored by IBM and TechWell, showed that testers want to spend more time automating, more time planning, and more time designing tests—and less time setting up test environments and creating test data. So, where should testers and their organizations invest...

Al Wagner, IBM
Build the Right Product Right: Transitioning Test from Critiquing to Defining

Do you find yourself with limited influence over what gets shipped on products you test? Is your report card on product quality often ignored? Do you think you can contribute more? Join Gerard Meszaros as he describes ways to transition from approaching quality with brute force testing to...

Gerard Meszaros,


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