Conference Presentations

STAREAST 2015: Leveraging Open Source Automation: A Selenium WebDriver Example

As online activities create more revenue, organizations are turning to Selenium to test their web applications and to reduce costs. Since Selenium is open source, there is no licensing fee. However, as with purchased tools, the same automation challenges remain, and users do not have...

David Dang, Zenergy Technologies
STAREAST 2015: Lightning Strikes the Keynotes

Throughout the years, Lightning Talks have been a popular part of the STAR conferences. If you’re not familiar with the concept, Lightning Talks consists of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period. Lightning Talks are the opportunity for speakers...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Improve Your Test Process from the Bottom Up

Test process improvement can be done in many ways. In a top-down approach a central organization does all the planning, and then implementation is done when everything is ready. In a bottom-up approach the improvements, developed and implemented in individual projects, are then spread...

Gitte Ottosen, Capgemini-Sogeti Denmark
How to Deliver Winning Mobile Apps

Do you find yourself confused about the definition of mobile testing? Do you understand the challenges of mobile testing and where to start? Is this your first mobile testing project? Joe Larizza and Eran Kinsbruner describe the techniques of mobile testing and the steps necessary to help...

Joe Larizza, Royal Bank of Canada, and Eran Kinsbruner, Perfecto Mobile
Common System and Software Testing Pitfalls

In spite of many great testing “how-to” books, people involved with system and software testing—testers, requirements engineers, system/software architects, system and software engineers, technical leaders, managers, and customers—continue to make many different types of testing-related...

Donald Firesmith, Software Engineering Institute
Testing Blockbuster Games: Lessons for All Testers

We can all learn valuable lessons from game development where, in addition to functional performance, overall experiential quality—user experience (UX)—is of critical importance. Blockbuster game development presents particular challenges with regard to scale, rapid iteration, and fuzzy...

Tulay Tetiker McNally, BioWare Electronic Arts and Alex Lucas, BioWare Electronic Arts
Implement an Enterprise Performance Test Process

Suddenly, application performance is important to your business, and you have been given the budget to improve it. You’re in a hurry because customers are complaining or because you expect jumps in transaction volume and your application needs to scale quickly. Do you know where to start?

Ryan Riehle, InCycle Software
STAREAST 2015: Risk-Based Testing for Agile Projects

Many projects implicitly use some kind of risk-based approach for prioritizing testing activities. However, critical testing decisions should be based on a product risk assessment process using key business drivers as its foundation. For agile projects, this assessment should be both...

Erik van Veenendaal, Improve IT Services BV
Avoid Testing Mistakes or Really Bad Things Can Happen

In our work we assess the quality of software to give well-grounded advice on the “go live” decision. We test software to prevent bad things from happening to users once the software is deployed. However, in some cases, the mere act of testing breaches safety barriers and can put companies...

Bart Knaack, Professional Testing
Improve Security through Continuous Testing

Many companies develop strong software development practices that include ongoing testing throughout the development lifecycle. But they fail to account for the testing of security-related issues. This leads to security controls being tacked on to an application just before it goes to...

Jeremy Faircloth, Raytheon


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