Lean Entrepreneurship for Software Professionals
Software teams are faced with the prospect of building a product, only to have unexpected shifts in customer demand, changes in the competitive landscape, or swings in the economic climate undermine their plans and turn their product into expensive waste. What is an...
Thomas Vaniotis, Liquidnet
Continuous Integration Is for Everyone—Especially DevOps
Continuous delivery and deployment are taking center stage in the DevOps conversations. Neither continuous delivery nor deployment are easy to jump into, and both make a lot of assumptions about the applications being released. Continuous integration (CI), however, is for everyone who...
Chris Riley, Sauce Labs
Things That Go Bump: Product Risk Assessment in Agile
“I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road” (Stephen Hawking). As agile teams, we know that we can’t know everything, so we shouldn’t waste time thinking about that which we don’t know and...
Annette Head, Principal Financial Group
Power Your Teams with Git
Github revolutionized the coding world with their “social coding” approach. In doing so, Git, the source code repository behind Github, vaulted to the forefront of our industry. If Git hasn’t made its way into your, or your team’s, tool belt, Josh Anderson explains why it should. Learn how...
Josh Anderson, Dude Solutions
Requirements Are Simply Requirements—or Maybe Not
When talking about requirements, people use identical terms and think they have a common understanding. Yet, one says user stories are requirements; another claims user stories must be combined with requirements; and yet another has a different approach. These “experts” seem unaware of...
Robin Goldsmith, Go Pro Management, Inc.
Overcome the Challenges of Test-Driven Development
Test-driven development (TDD) is a powerful agile methodology that organizations both large and small can leverage to achieve consensus, collaboration, and quality. Based on his organization's experience with implementing TDD and the feedback he has received from other organizations...
Adam Satterfield, Bettercloud
Actionable Customer Feedback: A Key to Product Success
Actionable customer feedback, although difficult to capture well, is critical to adapting to customer needs. How can you ensure you identify the right customers, get customers to feedback sessions, and capture the most useful feedback?
Mario Moreira, Emergn Ltd
Exploratory Testing: Make It Part of Your Test Strategy
Developers often have the unfortunate distinction of not thoroughly testing their code. It’s not that developers do not understand how to test well; it’s just that often they have not had an opportunity to understand how the product works. Kevin Dunne maintains that implementing a...
Kevin Dunne, QA Symphony
Architecture vs. Design vs. Agile: What’s the Answer?
Is architecture the same as preliminary design in agile? It shouldn't be. Do we do architecture up front, then do iterative development after the architecture is done? That is edging back toward waterfall. Can you explain the purpose of the architecture in just two or three statements?
Anthony Crain, Blue Agility
From Waterfall to Agile: A ScrumMaster’s View
In less than one year, a leading software company's product team transitioned from a twenty-five year history of waterfall development to using agile methodologies. They had produced software the old-fashioned way—sequentially, firmly entrenched in the process and procedure of pure...
Andrew Montcrieff, Veritas