Create Products That Customers Love: A Testing Perspective
Have you ever stood in line at midnight to buy the latest release of a product? Have you worked on a product that created such delight in customers that they camped out overnight to be the first to buy it? Though this level of customer devotion is rare, it is possible to create everyday...
Steve Hares, eBay
Blunders in Test Automation
In chess, the word blunder means a very bad move by someone who should know better. Even though functional test automation has been around for a long time, people still make some very bad moves and serious blunders. The most common misconception in automation is thinking that manual...
Dorothy Graham, Software Test Consultant
Testers and Testing: A Product Owner’s Perspective
Testers frequently feel that they and their contributions to delivering software are undervalued. These feelings may stem from patterns of important defects being de-prioritized, receiving lower salaries than their peers who code, being assigned seemingly pointless tasks, or being expected...
Scott Barber, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Continuous Testing in the Cloud
Are you looking to fulfill the promise of continuous delivery (CD), a process that accelerates the release of software through automation and the practice of continuous integration (CI)? Chris Broesamle can help with that. Explore how to create a full CD solution entirely in the cloud...
Chris Broesamle, Sauce Labs
Harness the Power of Checklists
As testers, we can feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things that require our attention. We are pressured to meet the demands of a fast-paced development environment while grappling with the extreme complexities inherent in today’s software. How can we remember everything while...
Kirk Lee, Infusionsoft
Mobile App Testing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Mobile app testing has lots of good practices, some not so useful (bad) concepts, and some really ugly, don’t-ever-do ones. In the tradition of James Whittaker’s How to Break Software books, Jon Hagar applies the testing “attack” concept to mobile app software. Jon starts by defining the...
Jon Hagar, Independent Consultant
Virtualization to Improve Speed and Increase Quality
Many development and test organizations must work within the confines of compressed release cycles, various agile methodologies, and cloud and mobile environments for their business applications. So, how can test organizations keep up with the pace of development and increase the quality...
Clint Sprauve, HP, and Todd DeCapua, HP
STAREAST 2015: When Testers Feel Left Out in the Cold
When you're responsible for testing, it's almost a given that you will find yourself in a situation in which you feel alone and out in the cold. Management’s commitment for testing might be lacking, your colleagues in the project might be ignoring you, your team members might lack...
Hans Buwalda, LogiGear
Metrics Program Implementation: Pitfalls and Successes
When we talk about product quality, test team efficiency, and productivity, we always talk numbers. However, very few companies implement metrics programs in a way that supports solid decision making. Many have tried and failed, leaving a negative impression of metrics. Kris Kosyk explains...
Kris Kosyk, SoftServe
What Do Defects Really Cost? Much More Than You Think
As software increasingly becomes the face of the business, defects can lead to embarrassment, financial loss, and even business failure. Nevertheless, in response to today's demand for speed and “continuous everything,” the software delivery conveyer belt keeps moving faster and faster...
Wayne Ariola, Parasoft